In times of change we must look to ourselves to see what we can do to facilitate change for the greater good. We must see who we can help, as well as change our own thinking from one of self-interest to one of family, friends and acquaintances.
There is so much distress in the world at this time that one can be forgiven for keeping one’s head down and trying to believe that it is somebody elses job to clean up the mess.
But is this so? We are all a part of the human race and we all take advantage of the good things that Mankind manages to get right, so we should also look to the other side of the coin and make an effort to do what we can to make sure that the not-so-good aspects of Man’s behaviour are discouraged.
If we decide to do nothing, then we are condoning these dreadful happenings that occupy our news headlines on a daily basis. We all have our own responsibilities, but we also have a voice and we can let our feelings be known for the greater good of all people.
Communications have never been easier with social media being so easy to use and communications are today literally at our fingertips. We all have opinions and we are not alone in many of them, so when likeminded people all over the world come together they can make a difference.
If we examine our consciences we all know what is right and what is wrong. The difference between the good and the bad in life is that the good listen to their conscience while the bad do not. We know this to be true.
However we must also look to the difference in the truth according to where we stand on various issues. What is the difference for example between a terrorist and a freedom fighter?
Each one of us has had an experience seen from anothers point of view, which seriously disagreed with what we believed was the truth. This is the important thing in life to stand back and see from other perspectives than our own.
We can do it with practice and a worthy heart – not for personal gain, but in truth to make the world a better place because we came and we responded to the realities of life and saw the truth and acted upon it.
Jenny and Michael Ayers
2nd February 2012
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