As the year turns into its second half and the night length
changes leaving a longer or a shorter day, depending whether you are in the
northern or southern hemisphere, so the expectations change as to what is ahead
of us.
The world, viewed as a whole, is in crisis as few can relax
and have no concerns as to what lies ahead.
To be complacent is dangerous as nothing stays for ever.
Whether it is the banking crisis and an increasing level of
black debt tilting the economic futures of whole continents towards an edge of
great uncertainty or the natural disasters that are occurring all around the
world that is causing you concern, you are right to be concerned.
Until Mankind as a whole turns towards the light of
enlightenment and away from the darkness of indifference, nothing can change
and stop this slippery slope of destruction that is eating up the world.
It is not by chance that it is all happening now. It is a continuation of the furtherance of
greed that has driven Mankind to the very edge of destruction.
Many warnings have been given and many have gone unheeded,
as the continued abuse of the world’s resources have been gobbled up and used,
but they are not renewable – they are finite.
When all the oil is used up, what will Mankind do? He expects to use another renewable source of
power, but energy consumptions are increasing each and every day all around the
world and the appetite is insatiable.
Banks have been almost as insatiable for profits that they
have cheated and lied themselves into a false sense of security, as they
gambled with other people’s money and charged them through the nose for the
The Eurozone is all but bankrupt, as Germany is called to
patch up the countries whose Parliaments have failed to balance their books and
allowed their banks to almost fail through the burdens of black debt that they
took on so willingly in better times.
The Middle East is a war zone with Syria, as well as the
Israeli/Palestinian conflict and Africa is almost awash with blood. The women and children always suffer most as
the men play at politics of fear and hatred.
America is swept with fire, storms and heat waves as
natural disasters cloud the largest economy in the world and their debts
increase, as the wars they waged have still to be paid for.
There is unrest in Russia and China, as the people are
starting to stand up for their rights and many countries are struggling to understand
what real democracy is, as people are behaving badly all over this world.
What can we do about this?
Are we right to fear the future?
What can we do to look after our families and friends, as living
standards fall and we are not as safe as we thought we were?
The answer is simple and not beyond our abilities as all
are given a conscience and there is goodness in every heart. We must all be patient and wake up to the
constraints that are all around us.
There is a Greater Universal Intelligence, who is aware of
our thoughts and struggles. If we are
fully alive to the goodness and the purity of living and ask in the right way
for our families and the greater good, rather than for ourselves, then we will
see the worm turn for us and for others.
It does no good to shrug our shoulders and feel the
constraints of religion, which only addresses the outer us, when we can
ourselves find our own salvation within us and be guided by that still voice of
calm and to trust it.
We are not alone and there are many who can help us if only
we help others too. It is no use allowing
the abuse of the innocent children, when we know what is wrong and condone it
by turning away.
Goodness may be an old fashioned word, but it is pure and
does nobody any harm, while the other side of the coin of life does and all
people everywhere must decide on which side they wish to be counted.
Then we must all stand up for what we believe in and where
it hurts nobody, but does some good, then we should all know that we are doing
the right and proper thing.
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Tuesday, 2nd July
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