03 August 2012

Naivety Is a Form of Selfishness When We Harden Ourselves Against the Pain of Others

This message comes from the Swiss Mountains, where the air is pure and the sunshine warms the body after so much bruising from all around the world.

The news of the spiritual changes all around the world is causing much negativity, which is bruising the minds and bodies of all sensitive people.

Nothing is easily won in this world and all good things come at a price, but the changes are helped by the energies, which are released from a Higher Source to guide our endeavours.

All reasonable people, who strive for change for the Greater Good, need to make great sacrifices for their Fellow Man.  All are given the opportunities to play their part, but not everyone takes them.

Many souls are so inward looking for their own needs that they screen the needs of others, who are outside their own immediate circle of family and friends.

This naivety is a form of selfishness when they harden themselves against the pain of others and stand aside convincing themselves that it is no business of theirs.

This could not be further from the truth, as we are all here to help each other and to ease the path of pain that we all have to go through in order to learn what life is truly all about.

No one is exempt from this, but it is harder for the wealthy than the poor, because the well-off have more responsibilities on their shoulders, as more is asked of them.

We all come with gifts in place and it is our duty to honour them.  These may be gifts of spiritual destinies, such as healing or wisdom in matters enlightenment.

We all have choices in life and we are all equipped with a conscience, which teaches us the meaning of what is right and what is not.  We have no excuses if we choose not to listen.

As with the Law of the Land ignorance is no excuse and those who turn away from righteousness will find to their cost that it applies to Spiritual and Universal Law.

We must all take our part and heed the opportunities that are brought to us to play our parts in the overall plan for our lives and the lives of others.

We must be aware of the global eruptions, as the corruption and greed is brought down and the negativity is replaced by the light of goodness, which has been abused for far too long.

As with other things, it is the real time for the good to fight back and not to hide in a Darkness of Ignorance, which must and will be extinguished and the mind-sets change so that lightness and love become the norm.

It is no longer what you have that matters, but what you can do with it for others.  No longer can the reign of corruption and greed rule the world.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Wednesday, 1st August 2012

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