03 September 2012

Tomorrow Is Very Close and It Cannot Be Turned Away

          What we so readily take for granted, is for another a joy to be seen.  How often do we stop at the sight of a butterfly’s brilliant colouring and give thanks to the Source of all Life?

          As we become more used to a sight and its presence, so it becomes ordinary in our eyes, but really we should marvel at its existence at all.  We usually are unable or unwilling to see the hardship that it goes through simply to survive.

          We think we have control over our lives and our progression, but time and time again our dreams of a safe and secure existence is rocked by things out of our control.

          Are they really out of our reach to see what is there in the reality of life or are we too blind in our ignorance to see what is truly going to happen, if we continue to live with our heads buried in the proverbial sand?

          All around the world, mega actions are taking place as man fights man and man lives in the shadow of the greed of his own mind.  There have been enough warnings given out from reliable sources, but are you really taking any notice?

          Before people can feel secure and safe in their lives, they must live by the Universal Laws of Creation and acknowledge that the Spiritual Laws that Jesus brought us is fact and not fiction.

          Too many souls have been blinded by Religion to see ‘God’ as the Creative Force that he undoubtedly is.  The examples given by Church Leaders through the ages are of deception on the one hand and ignorance on the other.

          People all around the world are starting to wake up to their responsibilities to themselves, their families and their nations.  No longer can an individual step aside and look the other way as if it didn’t concern them.

          There are only two alternatives that are available to you now and they are to live by the Laws that are spiritual and just or to fall and to reap what you have sown for yourself.

          Nobody can make this decision for you and nobody but you can tread that path, which you are bound to follow.  There is no Satnav here to guide you, but there is a Conscience and an understanding within you.

          Like travelling blind with your Satnav, it gets you to your chosen destination, but is it the right place that you are travelling to?

When the light of Goodness shines out from behind the negativity that is all around you, will you see an unclouded future for yourself or the results of the pain of selfishness and greed beckoning to you?

          As many have spoken out before, but few have listened until it was too late, so it will be again.  Mankind believes that he is invincible and he can destroy all he wishes to, but who will feed the hungry tomorrow?

          Tomorrow is very close and it cannot be turned away, so look ahead at the future that you have chosen for yourself alone and see what you need to prepare for, because nobody can live your life except you.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Monday, 3rd September 2012

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