07 December 2017

Seek for the Truth Within Yourself

While the world continues to keep going, despite the many stresses that are put on it through the egos and self-interests of many of its leaders, it is good to know that there is a Higher Intelligence supporting the goodness that is needed to keep everything in balance.

The vibrational energies are tested almost to breaking point, as the positive loving higher vibrations are so often negated by the heavy darkness of those that seek self above the greater good.

It is the takers of this world that are served by the negativity of material greed and those who give unconditional love must be aware of whether the response is worth the candle, which is lit by their goodness and so often snuffed out by the unworthy.

We were not made to suffer.  We were made to be happy in the service of others, who understand the hope and gift that can be given to help them over the situations, which they have made by their mistakes or have been given the opportunity to see how others have had to suffer in order to grow in strength, recover and use the experiences to be of use to those who are now suffering.

We all have times of learning the emotions of hardship, whether this is through material deprivation, such as poverty, or by finding oneself alone and unloved through physical barriers that leave one separated in society.

          Whatever we have to suffer, we are always guided by our own spiritual mentor or angel.  We need to be aware that advice is there if we ask and listen to progress on that road of faith and hope.

          There is a candle lit for us ahead of our progression, so that we are never totally in the dark and that we can use that in our imagination, as a beacon to advance with love and direction, however hard the road may appear to be.

          This time of year, in the Northern Hemisphere, it is a cold and difficult place for those who need that helping hand up to sustain them on a daily basis.

          Not every message gives hope to the hopeless and food in their bellies, while the universal message is to spend, spend, spend on Christmas shopping that will only make traders wealthier and few souls get rewarded by what they need.

          Spare some time to observe those around you and try and understand their needs.  They may be lonely, lost or unrecognised as being without comfort in their emotional souls.

          We are all in too much of a hurry to recognise the pain and misery that many suffer in silence and know nobody to share their time with good council and guidance to lighten their load.

          Often there are family situations where individuals seek to hide their pain for a time with alcohol or drugs and then disturb those around them by their selfish behaviour.

          People of all ages are beset with problems that they cannot find a way out of and don’t seek guidance from within themselves, where there is good sense and hope for those who patiently ask for it and believe in the Higher Intelligence to bring a gift or miracle to save them.

          The material life in which we live and are often brainwashed against the spiritual, need to call out in love to The Master Jesus, who came and gave his live on this earth, so that so many may understand what Christmas is all about.

          It was a time when God gave life to a great prophet and leader, who understands the pain and suffering that we all go through at some time in our lives.

          Ask for his help and guidance and be patient not dismissive, as your salvation is reached out to you in the stillness of your own thoughts to direct and comfort all those who need that unconditional love to understand the direction that they need to take.

          It is not always the easy option, but it will be the right one, if you have the courage to trust and hope in the future that is there for you to discover.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Thursday, 7th December 2017

04 November 2017

Send Out Positive Thinking for a Better World and Our Part in It

          As our oceans become more polluted with plastic and other waste, we must make our voices heard in protest and show an example of what we buy and how we dispose safely of our own waste.

          The oceans of the world are just as much our responsibility as the land and may hold a greater part in our future than we can imagine.  Certainly, there are vast food resources that will be needed to feed this expanding world population.

          There is a cult that in our throwaway society nothing matters, as long as we dispose of our rubbish away from us.  Anybody who drives regularly will have seen how many discard their finished with items out of the windows, instead of taking them home.

          How can we pretend to be civilised, when we drop our litter in the street for others to clean up and ignore litter bins on the side walk?  Graffiti is common place around the world and the message is to keep our part of this world clean and wholesome for others to enjoy.

          Recycling centres have become a part of our lives and need to be used for the greater good and where unbroken items are continued to be used rather than to buy new again.

          It costs much more to make new than it does to keep the older ones going and resources are limited in this world of demanding more of everything, just because they can.

          This planet was made to be beautiful and all that is good and successful is working in harmony to keep it going through natural laws and good common sense.

          It is Mankind that makes it ugly and scarred by his greed and selfishness.  Mankind continually disposes of his waste by just leaving it behind!  Does it cost so much to clean up after you?

          The paths to our mountains are strewn with the unwanted litter of past climbers and their teams.  The space around our globe is cluttered with the debris of space exploration.

          It is high time that we demanded a massive clean-up of our world for the betterment of us all.  There are individual groups and organisation that are doing just this, cleaning up, but we all need to address the cause if we are to reduce this mountain of rubbish that is allowed to clutter the world of land and sea.

          There are many tragic stories to tell of the painful death of whales and other ocean-going animals and fish, how they have been found to contain stomachs full of garbage.

          Some massive problems have been dealt with, such as the pesticides in the food chains of the sixties and seventies, but more needs to be done. 

          We need a humane society, which cares about what we hold in trust for all generations including our own and our children’s children.  We mustn’t always consider that cost is the only criterion for leading the way or not.

          The cost to the clear up is one thing, but we need to address the cost of allowing it to happen in the first place and see what can be done at the very start to ensure that there will not need to be any clean up.

          We must take our litter home and look to not buying wasteful packaging that is inconvenient and often dangerous to species of life around this world.

          Whether you believe in a Higher Intelligence or not, you are still responsible for the decisions in your own life and the actions and reactions that you cause.

          Let us all be mindful of our actions and send out positive thinking for a better world and our part in it.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Saturday, 4th November 2017

06 October 2017

What is Best for You?

It is so necessary to take time out for ourselves and especially when we have earned the right to have it.  We cannot go on all the time in top gear, while we overtake those who give up far too easily.

They are looking for an excuse to not to have to work hard and to allow others to carry them.  They are the takers, who want nothing better than to have all their wants and desires on a plate!

Meanwhile, there are those who are driven by work, the so-called workaholics.  It is those people that we feel sorry for, because their motivation to a total takeover of the narrowed-minded determination to succeed at all costs.

How can their family live with a person, whose complete motivation is outside of the family good?   Sure, they are providers in as much as money and absence from the scene is their take on life, but the rest must learn to do without the other comforts.

There has to be a balance and it is vital in all families that there is love, sharing and understanding, especially where young children are involved.

Where children are deprived of love, they so often grow up to be unable to give love to others.  All the material comforts in life are no substitute for the genuine unconditional love that is given by loving parents and siblings to each other.

There are many who fail to understand this.  They think that because children appear to have everything that they need they are loved and cherished, but so often this is not so.

Many a poorer family are the richer, because they have love and time for each other.  It is here in these environments that character is formed and the understanding of the body language of others.

Those who live in silence and are not able to bond with each other, because they have never learned how to see and understand what it is that other people around them are searching for.

Many people live out their entire lives never understanding the reality of unconditional love that one soul gives to another.  It is not a question of what they can do for me, but what I can do for you and want nothing in return.

In the words of John F. Kennedy, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”  This is one of the basic building blocks of a balance attitude to life and it applies at all levels.

It applies in the daily workplace and in the family home.  It applies to the workaholics, who may be sacrificing their families for their desire to prosper in the workplace.

It certainly applies to those who do not care to go out and do their work, but expect everything to come to them on a plate.  Everything must be kept in balance and all the balls should be kept in the air, not just the ones that you favour.

We all need to understand our take on life and to examine what we truly believe in.  How can you hope to prosper if you fail to believe in the Higher Intelligence to guide you as you set out your stall of what you hope to get out of life?

We all need patience and proof, but that proof, when given, mustn’t be ignored and to recognise it and to give thanks is the politeness and honour that we would expect if the boot was on the other foot!

Ask sincerely and allow time for the answer to be shown to you and realise that it may not be the answer that you wanted, but it will be what is best for you!

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Friday, 6th October 2017

06 September 2017

Those who Live by the Sword Die by the Sword

          While the world continues to be ill at ease with threatening and posturing between two ideologies, as one fails to understand the needs of the other, the world looks on hopelessly.

          It is high time that those who believe in a Higher Intelligence called out for direction and harmony between nations and different belief systems.

          The time for politics is long past since those with power seek what they want for themselves and have little time or inclination to review the bigger picture.

          The answers to difficult questions need to be taken using positive energies of hope and belief in the guidance of higher authorities before Mankind blunders into extinction by his own hand.

          These games of political bluff are only heightening the tensions and the likelihood of mass destruction on a worldwide basis, where nobody wins.

          This focus on weapons of mass destruction is a continual threat, as the belief system appears to be that one is never safe unless one has the ultimate weapon to defend oneself.

          However, it is a well-known saying that if you live by the sword then you will die by the sword, but by the levels of aggression in the world today you would think that either people haven’t heard this said or else they simply do not care to believe that it will happen to them.

          There are many bullyboys around, who lead their countries by fear and what is becoming known as fake news.  Where people are free to speak their minds, then they must stand up for their rights and of those around them.

          Courage is a matter of having a belief that what you are doing is for the Greater Good beyond oneself, so that one never stops to think if one is doing the right thing, but simply knowing that you need to do it.

          Where there is a belief system in a Higher Intelligence, then one can acknowledge the love that we receive and know that we are protected by our prayers and that we will be guided to the right course of action.

We all need to be ready to listen to the guidance from On High and to abide by the gracious life we are given.  We all have to earn the right to be so blessed and where there are negative actions around us, we must ask for that protection and know that it will be given.

Where apparent mad men rule the world of politics, we must ask our Creator to deliver the right outcome, so that the people who suffer, may be healed and released from their pain.

Often the right priorities are not addressed by the leaders and so their egos are empowered ahead of their subject’s needs.  Balance is required in all our lives and so we must look for it in the lives of others, whether they only believe in their own vanity or not.

It is a part of our duty on this earth plane to send out our thoughts for those who are not as blessed as we are and to ask the Higher Intelligence to send healing and unconditional love, so that they may have the opportunity to invite His love into their lives.

Every one of us has the right to ask for others to be blessed and it is through these prayers that the vibrations are raised higher and they are more likely to be lifted clear of all the negativity.

The power of prayer is very strong and the more who send out their vibrations in love and harmony, the greater the capacity there is for the miracles to be given to those who are sincere.

In the days and nights of fear, where we ask for hope to be given to those areas of the world that are threatening our peace and harmony, let our clear vibrations of love be sent out to join the others, who too are asking the Higher Intelligence to intervene and help us all to survive.
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Wednesday, 6th September 2017

06 August 2017

Happy Holidays and Come Home Safely

          This month is often a time of sunshine and holidays, but it is necessary that we remember that not everybody is so well blessed.  The elderly, often living on their pensions alone, cannot always afford to take a break away.

          Before we all rush off to packaged holidays and sunnier climates, we need to consider those that we have left behind.  Their needs remain the same, as the better-off jet away on holidays that they have earned through their working labours.

          Perhaps a thought for them, as we gather our belongings and make that trip to the airport, where not everything always goes right.  There are delays due to the increased volume of summer traffic and the security has been stepped up.

          It can be a stressful time for the family.  Young children and the more elderly will need healing to keep them going through this stressful time to reach that perfect break.

          Through these busy times, it is reassuring to note that our Spirit Guides are still with us and are a constant source of love and guidance.  Asking before booking the holiday is a reassurance that we have chosen well and that it will suit everybody in our party.

          It is a common mistake that some souls do not think to activate their connection with their guides on a daily basis and simply call on them when they are in trouble.

          If you keep in regular communication with the Spirit, you will be adviced and guided through your life, so that you are prepared for those unexpected acts that Mankind experiences when things do not go like clockwork.
          Delays coming home can be a nightmare for those trying to get back to work and continue their responsivities.  There may be an older member at home that you look after and they cannot manage alone, so you would have to extend the care through friends and minders that may not be so available.

          Others may have important meetings to attend, as the company continues its never-ending management with the higher level of employers being needed to give their input.

          There are many ways that those holidays can be disrupted, when you cannot meet those deadline through no fault of your own.  The self-employed receive nothing if they are not there to keep those appointments and the wheels turning.

          Many souls, who are in regular communication with their guides, are told what to expect and how to solve these problems where this is possible.

          Know that miracles still happen and where there is need, Angels do appear out of the blue to help and ease the pathway when it looked as if all was lost.

          Recognise the divine help when it comes and give thanks for it, because by recognising that it is a miracle, you are saved from the negativity of life without the unconditional love and wisdom of a Higher Intelligence.

          We are never alone, as we were created by one Source and so, through that Source, we are linked together and so the communications through thought and actions have an effect on each and every one of us.

          Until we ask for help, so often our freewill stops it being available to us, but if we all recognise the powerful energies that are available to help us from the Higher Intelligence and through our own Spirit Guides, we shall find it easier to bear the pitfalls of life.

          Send out your thoughts for those in need and see the blessings come back to you when you are most in need.  All of us are vulnerable and it is pointless to struggle against the negative things in life on our own when there is so much guidance and help available, if we would only ask in the right and proper way!

          We all come with a destiny to fulfil and it is through looking where we can best serve that we find our search shown to us to succeed, because there is no failure, only different levels of success.

          Holidays are a time when we may have some extra time to think about ourselves, our families and our lives, so be ready to accept that kindness or to give a helping hand, because you may be that Angel that is so needed and directed by the Higher Intelligence!

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Sunday, 6th August 2017

05 July 2017

We All Need to Be in Balance and Wholly Complete

As the warmth of summer allows us more freedom in the outside world, we are able to explore the beautiful gifts that the Creator has given us.  The flora and fauna around our lives are there for us to examine and learn from.

The continual cycles of life are ever changing, but they come around again and again according to the seasons and the progress that we make in our daily lives.  The one constant in all this is that change is inevitable and nothing stays the same.

We need to be aware that it is through change that we progress in our lives and so should our expectations.  We need to have goals ahead of us and to move ever towards them, as we came here for the benefit of humanity and although our part may be small, we are all linked in this everchanging world.

Our daily lives are so often bound up in the routine of living and existing that it is sometimes hard to make the time for our spiritual needs.  The material life impinges so much as we go through our life with a need to have and, by doing so, we can lose our independence and our freewill.

It is necessary to have time out for ourselves, as we have needs as well as those that we care for and often sacrifice our time and well-being for.  As we give unconditional love to those around us without thinking, but just doing it, we need to see that it is returned equally and that we are not just pouring our life resources into the sand like water in the desert.

There are no bonus points for sacrificing ourselves exclusively for the demands of others, however much they may crave and demand it.  Some people become bound in service to the takers of this world that they lose their respect and self-worth.

In all things, there needs to be a balance and this is provided by a giving and receiving of life’s energies one between another.  There are times when we all have to take personal responsibility by making a stand for what is right and proper and to be abused by the selfishness and thoughtless behaviour of others has no place here in the 21st century.

Humanity must learn the lessons taught by generations of messengers sent by the Creator to show us the way to a balanced helpful existence and the accumulation of those bonus points that will carry us up into the next dimension with a useful life led.

It is no use arriving in the next world, where we will be asked what we did with our lives for the greater good of humanity and have little to show for our presence here on earth, given to us with an agenda to do and a destiny to fulfil.

It doesn’t matter how little we perceive our lives to be and to devalue our usefulness, as long as we take the opportunities that are offered to us and don’t just walk by on the other side.  We need to take time out for ourselves and listen to our conscience in the quietness of our minds.

We all need regular moments to listen to our direction and the advice that comes from On High through the guides, who love us well.  A regular meditation of twenty to thirty minutes should become a valuable part of our lives.

We all need time out for ourselves and to connect to the unconditional love of our Creator.  If we don’t make the time in our lives, then we are turning our back on the loving light of existence and will have to battle alone.

No soul should have the arrogance of thinking, even for a moment, that they can progress through their lives without the assistance, love and wisdom of a higher intelligence than their own.

To be alone, soldering on in this material world with so much negativity all around, is to place oneself into darkness of ignorance and to flounder through without the understanding of Spiritual Law.

How can we find the right direction for us to progress into the stream of fulfilment, when we close our eyes to the help and guidance that is there for us in love with our best interests at heart wanting to show us the way?

We need to acknowledge the Greater Intelligence and allow the unconditional love that flows into our lives and then we can use it for the Greater Good, knowing that all we use wisely will be replaced, so that we always have enough for all our needs.

          We cannot serve if we are empty and we need fulfilling, so that we are whole in the eyes of all and especially when we arrive in the next dimension with our lives in balance, holy and complete.
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Wednesday, 5th July 2017

04 June 2017

The Giver and the Receiver Are Truly Blessed

          “Good things come to those who wait,” they say and “Patience is a virtue.”  Both these saying are true, but in today’s world so many people expect and want to have their desires gratified almost immediately.

          They seem to no longer realise that we all have to earn our desires and we need to be worthy of them.  It is in the earning that we become stronger and more resolute.  We begin to see that what we want is not just an item or a relationship, but pathway of understanding towards it.

          Arthur Ashe famously said, “Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.”

          Our lives are not just a finite time on this earth plane, where we will succeed or not according to our accomplishments and the giving and receiving of unconditional love.  Our lives are a journey in themselves and are made up of many smaller ones.

          We are continually setting out on journeys of discovery where we have a goal to reach and, in treading that path towards it, we are filled with the understanding of why we are travelling towards it and when we arrive we understand why we travelled, but it is not the end, but only the beginning.

As we go towards that objective, we travel on our own accord and then, when we reach the destination and we are united with it, we will continue to travel only this time we will travel together.

          Our lives are in a constant state of change and as we reach out, so we are changed by our learning and understanding, so that it is the journey which teaches us what to expect, as we become more familiar with our intended goal.

          Arrival is not an end!  It is the beginning of the new, where we are changed by our arrival and the new energies and understandings alter our outlook and our perception. The excitement of the travelling there is replaced by the achievement of being united with it.

          We came down here to this earth plane for the experiences that we would discover throughout our lives and these will continue, each and every day, taking us towards the time when we are ready to leave this earthly body.

          As we arrive at this point, we will be united with our spirit body after we discard the old worn out earthly one and this will set us out on a new journey and we will discover new experiences and unconditional love that we have earned for ourselves throughout this lifetime.

          “Patience is a virtue,” we said and so it is.  We cannot fulfil our stages of understanding by rushing ahead and missing what is there for us to find and experience.  In those moments we may not be bothered about them, as our hearts are set on our own agenda of self-gratification.

          We are all given spiritual guidance and if we listen we will achieve our goals at the right pace and in the right time.  ‘God’s’ timing is always perfect and we will meet our desires in His time and not ours.

          If we rush ahead blindly, driven by our own egos and personal wants, we will miss all the opportunities along the way of helping and sharing with others the great truths of life itself.

          Living outside Spiritual Law is to neglect the ‘God-given’ code of living a good and successful life.  It is rather like buying an appliance and ignoring the Instruction Manuel, because you decide that you know better.

          By listening to your conscience of the rights and wrongs of your actions, then you will be able to operate the devices and opportunities in your life in the right way, so that everything runs smoothly.

          Too often we think we know best and don’t ask for guidance, but push ahead with what we want and only later may we see the consequences of our actions.  Act in haste and repent at leisure is the truism given here.

          We need patience and we need to accept those good things that come to us when we have earned them.  Spiritual gifts from the Higher Intelligence do come to those who wait until they are ready to receive them.

          When you are ready is the time of the greatest gratitude and appreciation.  To receive is only half the business, but to give thanks and show your joy is the sharing of your wisdom and the Spirit World and all who help and guide you can feel your gratitude and love.

          That is the great sharing where both the giver and the receiver are truly blessed and our Creator can be satisfied with His work for we have learned to be more than just ourselves alone.
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Sunday, 4th June 2017

04 May 2017

Do You Appreciate What You Have?

Now that summer is coming through to us after the magnificent show of spring flowers and the green leaves have returned to the trees, it is surely time to give thanks to the great Creator for all his marvellous works.

          It seems impossible to us to control what we call nature in such a regular and precise way.  We may understand some of the physics, which make this possible as the seasons and tides are regulated by our moon, but it is so precise that an irregularity could cause this not to happen as we know it.

          For centuries man has known this and he created massive calendars, so that the Equinox and the Solstice could reliably be used to guide them in the planting and harvesting of their existence.

          Today the computer clocks keep perfect time and the calendar is more about our appointments and duties to attend to.  In fact, in so many people’s lives, the existence of the planet and the universe are simply taken for granted as we whizz through our daily routines.

            It is as through it is all taken care of for us and the only thing we have to do is to get up each morning, attend to the routines of life and go to bed at night, starting the routine again next morning.

          It makes us seem more like robots than men or women, but our Creator gave us choice.  We have freewill and we need to exercise that by studying more about the world about us for ourselves and not just relying on the television news or the Internet for our information of what is going on around us in the world.

          We understand the physical nature of our lives and it is to a large extent one of material values, but we must never forget the spiritual nature of whom and what we are.

          It is as spirit that we were introduced to that little creation inside our mother’s womb.  It is our mind-set or soul, which carries us through life and gives us the power over our bodies.  It is the life-force, which allows us to think and to connect with other spiritual souls, who are there to help and guide us through this lifetime.

          Some people are too arrogant to accept that there is a Higher Intelligence and that we are all born to die and leave nothing behind, but a memory in the minds of others or an entry in a history book!

          It is simply that too much has been denied us by the non-believers, who cannot experience the delicate and sensitive nature of the positive vibrations of love and harmony.  Throughout history many have been gifted and have lived to help their fellow man, but their goodness frightened the non-believers into trying to eradicate them, simply because they couldn’t control them.

          This word, control, is well chosen.  Control is all about power over others and far too often clergy and priests around the world use this power for their own ends and politically seek to influence whole bodies of people.

          It is not God that tells them what they should be doing, but their own arrogant and egotistic natures that cause their actions to be far from godly and are simply a means to an end of controlling a population, which is far from godly in its attitude to the men, women and children and dictatorial in the needs of the individual souls.

          We are here on this planet, not to be herded like sheep into belief systems that we can barely understand, but to open up our own consciences and to find within us all the answers to our lives and our destinies.

          When we return to the dimension where we were created in unconditional love, we will stand alone and will have to answer for ourselves when we are asked what we did with our lives for the Greater Good.

          Seek within yourselves for the answers to your questions and ask the right questions with a loving intention, so that you may be answered and appreciate that your life here on this planet is undertaken with the Higher Intelligence and not those who live above their station.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Thursday, 4th May 2017

04 April 2017

What Have You Done for the Greater Good?

          As we continue with our daily grind of routine, trying to make a difference to humanity in an ever-changing world, we need to stop occasionally and look at ourselves and see if our needs are being met.

          We were not made by our Creator to be miserable and unhappy, but to enjoy our lives here on this earth plane and to take the lead in our own lives rather than being dictated to by others.

          If we let them, it is far too easy to give way to family or work colleagues and quietly allow their behaviour to outrank the common decencies of moral behaviour.

          There are many forms of bullying in schools, families and the workplace, where there are those who seek to obtain power over others simply because they can and, in some weird way, they enjoy it and that increases their ego.

          It is easy to say that in these circumstances we should walk away, but before we do we must stand up for ourselves and not allow ourselves to be beaten into submission.

          Where there is bad behaviour, it falls to all of us to stand up for better standards and not to allow it to go by simply for a quiet life.  If nobody ever stands up for what they truly believe to be the right and proper behaviour, then we are ignoring our conscience and abetting the wrongs that we see around us.

          Many of the problems stem from the family, where the parents tend to give in to their children, time and time again, for a quiet life.  It needs to be asked as to whether bad behaviour or bad manners matter within the family, because it affects the growing children all their lives and many will not be accepted by those who do care.

          Going for a job interview is a case in point that increasing numbers fail to know how to conduct themselves when applying for a job in the work place.  If they are not taught they will not be accepted or acceptable.

          Our Creator gave us a conscience to know right from wrong and if we listen and are guided we will make a better life, fulfilled and loved for the Greater Good.

          We are reminded of the words of Buddha, who is quoted as saying: “Peace comes from within.  Do not seek it without.”

          It would do us no harm and maybe do a lot of good, if every soul on this planet reflected daily on these words of truth and instruction.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Tuesday, 4th April 2017

03 March 2017

The God of Heaven is a Loving God

          There are so many who struggle through life and fail to acknowledge the presence of God or the Spirit, which send out to all who understand that this life is only a testing ground to see what we make of ourselves by helping others.

          The real message comes from within, where we were given at our creation a conscience that guides those who care about the rights and wrongs of our thoughts and actions.

          If a soul chooses to ignore this most valuable asset that they were given, they are free to exercise their freewill in any way they chose, but they will never get away with misdeeds, as all is noted and at the right and perfect time they will be confronted by their choices and will have to pay the price that Spiritual Law demands.

          Spiritual Law has a Universal existence and applies through the Creation of Everything by the Creating God of Love and through His love we are allowed to choose the Light of His understanding or the darkness of our own ignorance.

          This is not religious talk, but simply the truth.  Religions are all about power over people and keeping their congregations bound to their will to provide alms for the existence of their ministers, who never seem to be without and have a moral code of their own devising.

          The teachings of Jesus are only used for their benefits and the people who practice there.  They are not it seems encouraged or allowed to explore the Spirit, which comes within themselves.

          Jesus showed us the way to live and taught us Spiritual Law to live by and how we will reap what we sow.  There is no way that we cannot be seen to have strayed, because we do not live alone and are surrounded by the Spirit in forms that are unphysical, but can be loudly heard if we listen.

          Most of us who believe in the teachings of the Master Jesus and his resurrection after his cruel crucifixion, know that we live on and that our beloveds come back to show us that they too are alive.

          We are told by the clergy that we are condoning and talking to the devil, if we allow ourselves to be influenced by our loved ones, with whom we shared our lives and our trust.

          These clerics are not able to know any better than we do, except we at least recognise the spirit who comes back to us in love and share with us their new form of continued existence.

          If we open our hearts and minds, we are safe with the knowledge that we are not alone and that there are millions of others who have had the same experiences within the homes and within their sacred lives, but outside of the boundaries inflicted by manmade rules and religious dogma.

          Listen to your own conscience and know that it speaks truly and advises you correctly on your thoughts and actions and that it is when you fail to listen and to act on that gut feeling within you, that things go wrong and don’t work out in your favour.

          Remember that the God of Heaven is a loving God and refutes the frighteners concocted to hold its church members in their clutches and to extract monies to buy a salvation that can only be earned by each and every soul through their own actions.

          Throw off the shackles of what doesn’t fit with your belief system and go with the flow that God provides for you through those who love Him and work tirelessly through His unconditional love for those who listen and serve the Spirit in our daily lives.

          See the signs of the old powerful religions failing, as more and more souls find out the truth for themselves and serve each other in peace and harmony together.  The aggression and hatred will shrink into loving understanding through the power of Spiritual Law and God’s unconditional love.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Thursday, 3rd March 2017

04 February 2017

Love Your Neighbours

We can be a very insular and possessive people, as we guard our borders and boundaries.  We don’t like people or animals taking short cuts across our land and we so often take steps to guard against it.

It doesn’t matter if we are talking about our own little plot of land on which our homes are built or the national boundaries where steps are taken to keep out the so-called undesirables.

          They may be from many different backgrounds or ethnic groups, but just in case they are terrorists, from a war-torn zone or are trying to escape plague, famine or political persecution, many borders are closed to them.

          Humanity can be very hard on those who are in need of a helping hand and political leaders often play on the fears of their people in drumming up hatred and dark stories, whether true or false, against groups of people that they have singled out as the enemy.

          Countries are sent to war often over trifles if that nation has something another nation wants and decides it must have.  Scare stories are common enough and much of the national income is spent on developing killing machines to suit all occasions.

          If you were to stop and talk to people, you would find that most people all want the same things, to live and trade in peace and harmony with each other.  Too often the people of the aggressive nations keep their people in ignorance of the real state of relations between them and their neighbours, although it is the people that have to make the sacrifices in blood and their own standards of living.

          We do not come to condemn countries and their leaders, but ask them to think what they are doing and to find political and honest discussions rather than the large scale massacres of the innocent.

          It is rarely the perpetrators of bloody war and aggression that have to pay the price.  It is the people, whose homes are destroyed.  Their family members are killed and the infrastructure of their nation destroyed or allowed to fall into disrepair.

          It is the innocent who pay the greatest price, as the women and children carry the burdens of shattered lives and scars that will never be healed because of the traumas that they have undergone through no fault of their own, except that they happened to be there.

          It is the disease and suffering that often kills more than the bullets and yet we allow it to continue believing it can never happen to us, but our lives are saved and we would rather that the refugees went anywhere else than into our own lives and countries.

          It is to those nations that have wealth that the homeless look to for help and a new life.  They ask to be allowed to work for their living and make a home for their families and live without prejudice in peace and harmony.

          From the very beginning, the strong came to try and wipe out the indigenous peoples who were already there and take over their land and possessions.  Today most countries are a mixture of races and cultures that have had to learn to live side by side without aggression or prejudice for the greater good.

          However there are still areas of the world where prejudice is allowed to rule the minds of the people and there is even talk of building walls to try to keep undesirables out or is it to keep the so called desirables in?

          It is becoming a trend all over the world for customs officials to ban the entry of unwanted souls and free travel between nations fails to accomplish the desirable effects to bring opportunities for the benefit of all concerned.

          When Mankind starts to make positive thoughts towards the future and to remove the greed and corruption that eats into the decision makers all around the world, they will not be allowed to only think about their own needs, but to see the effect that they have of others.

          John Kennedy spoke those true and mortal words that all should heed.  “Ask not what your country can do for you.  Ask what you can do for your country.”  These words should inspire those that shoulder responsibilities and lead us all to a better pathway.

          We have been urged by the Christ of all people to love our neighbours and yet so many do so little.   We are too frightened to step out on the road of life, where there are so many different traps to ensnare us.

          We all need to help those around us or how will we ever receive the help that we need when we call out for it?  If we continue to allow for aggression and destruction to happen to our neighbours in our name then that is the legacy that we will receive back again.

          Many souls only see their own sides of the truth and few explore to make goodness a priority for all in their lives and so many will go emptyhanded into the next life and be shocked about how little they did when they had the chance.
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Saturday, 4th February 2017

03 January 2017

There Is Still So Much to Do

We offer a happy New Year to all our readers and pray that Mankind will heed the warnings of a negative and material world, where too many try to buy their happiness from material sources and where corruption and greed continue to play a part in the hearts and minds of men and women alike.

There are too many young people who simply crave to be rich and famous, as they see a celebrity world based so often without values and those who do good work with their acquired wealth are not given the recognition that they deserve.

Where there are good people living out their lives for the benefit of their fellow man, woman and child, the example that they set is so often hidden from the young, who need to take note and shape their lives accordingly.

We are here for such a short time really and many do work hard against the flow of negative vibrations that seem to sap the goodness and the righteousness from so many.  We are too often tempted to take the easy fix; the simple way that we feel will cause us the least trouble.

In this 21st century of change, we will see many examples of the old world and way of life being left behind.  New things are happening and new powers are rising, while others fall.  What was so in the last century has already been modified and not all of it is for the better.

However there are signs that the naked and bloody aggression is slowing down and many parties are finding compromises to their reasons for spreading the killing fields across the world.

The need for Mankind to love and respect his neighbour is fast approaching and while this is a two-way action of respect and humanity, we all need to understand that there will always be differences, but, at the same time, we will have more in common that we suppose.

To live together in perfect harmony is a big ask, but to respect each other’s views and to be able to see that we share the same difficulties in our daily lives is a good start.  There are many ways that we can share the burdens of everyday life through empathy and understanding.

Few souls go through life without witnessing many heartbreaks and sacrifices.  It is from these that we grow stronger and learn how to comfort each other, because unless we have been through these emotional discomforts we can be of little help to each other.

Life should all be about what we can do for others and to use our skills to advantage in their lives as well as our own.  There are many souls, who give up their time and income to spend time helping souls that are in great need and many of these are doctors and nurses, who go out to the danger areas of the world to work tirelessly for the needy.

Not many of us have the drive and calling to give up so much, sometimes even including their lives, so that others may spiritually profit by them being in their lives.  They work in love for humanity of all races and creeds, as they know that we are guided by only one ‘God’, to whom there are many different paths.

Unconditional love was given to each and every one of us at our creation by the Higher Intelligence.  Without conditions we are loved, whatever we do and however wrong we sometimes get it!

However, we should know that this love is there for us to use for the Greater Good and, as Spiritual Law teaches us, the more we use our gifts the more we will be given.  This applied to all things and that if we do harm, so we will in turn be harmed and, if we do good, so we will be rewarded.

As we are all asked to make many sacrifices in our lives, so we will be ‘tested’ to see if we can still live right and, as the saying goes, “Cut our coat according to the cloth”.  When we are low and disrespected, but are listening to the guidance given to us from that Higher Intelligence, so we will be saved and brought out of our discomforts into a better life.

Then we will have earned our place in society and are rewarded from the Godhead according to our merits.  Let nobody be disillusioned, there is no easy fix, but through hard work and dedication we can and do find ourselves helped into higher streams of consciousness through the helping of others.

It is only for those who have been there and taken on this challenge without weakening to lower moral and selfish actions that result in the lifting of our spirit by that Higher Intelligence.

He gave us freewill and that means that we don’t have to walk in His Light, but we can choose to turn away and travel towards the Darkness of Ignorance, but we should know that at some point we will reach out and will need to come all that way back, as we are eventually drawn by the stronger love and light of Him over the darkness in which we chose to travel.

There are so many causes that are all around us and this century will show the need for change as never before, so think whether you wish to be a part of it, giving and receiving unconditional love or whether you prefer a more selfish road into the darkness.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Tuesday, 3rd January 2017