To accompany is to go together as Jesus was accompanied by his disciples. They were always seen together. This was the normal thing to be observed. One is accompanied by another and that is what is expected and that is what happened as Jesus chose his disciples and bade them follow him and they did. It took two fishermen, Andrew and his brother Peter who Jesus called and made them fishers of men. They did not fully understand His meaning but they were drawn to His personality and so they accompanied Him on His travels not knowing where they were going.
We don’t know when He was accompanied by Mary Magdalene, but it must have been after the famous wedding at Canaan in Galilee, where Jesus’s mother, Mary was approached by the stewards and they told her that they were running out of wine. It was the normal thing for the bridegroom in those days to supply the wine, so she went to Jesus and told Him that they were running out of wine. He told the stewards to take the barrels of water that were standing by and to serve that to the guests. They must have thought He was joking, but when they opened the barrels of water, they were found to be full of such good wine that Jesus was asked why they were serving the best wine at the end!
Mary Magdalene was the sister of Martha, who lived with their brother Lazarus. Jesus often visited them accompanied by His disciples and as Jesus taught them Mary always sat at the feet of Jesus and took in every word that He said. On one occasion, Martha chided her sister and asked why she left her to do all the work in the kitchen. But Mary never left the feet of her Lord and Jesus responded to Martha and told her to let Mary be. She was then able to accompany Jesus everywhere after their wedding and she was better prepared as she was shown the path of Jesus and famously anointed Jesus with nard oil from the alabaster jar and dried His feet with her hair after she had wet them with her tears.
It was to her that Jesus first showed Himself when the three Marys went to prepare His body after the Crucifixion. They came to the cave and found that the stone at its entrance had been rolled away and when they looked in, they found His body was gone. They were asked why they were looking for the living amongst the dead? It was then that Mary heard Him call her name. As she hurried to Him Jesus said, “Do not touch Me for I haven’t yet visited My Father but go to the disciples and tell them what you have seen.” She ran to where the frightened disciples were hiding to tell them the good news and soon, they were filled with the Holy Ghost and they went out and preached the good news to everybody speaking in tongues now they were awakened in truth as Jesus came to them and taught them.
Friday, 9th April 2021
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