21 April 2021


 Though the deliberate act of killing another the result is murder.  God says, “Thou shall not kill.”  To destroy another's life is murder.  It is often a question of trying to cover up foul deeds and destroying the evidence of the early witnesses that can be brought into action.  In the investigation of that life that ended which naturally leads to more evidence, but it doesn’t equate to that mind of the killer.  The disappearance of a soul usually puts in place such is the way that evidence is revealed to the force of the law and a body is soon found.  There needs to be a good reason for the taking of a life which is usually for gain. 

 It maybe to the gratification of a sexual act or the financial gain of a life policy being paid out but always there is greed or envy.  It is a weak mind that continues to take a life for what it needs and to believe that they will get away with it.  It is the disposal of the body which causes the greatest challenge and it maybe in a shallow grave or in a domestic situation where the body is not moved very far from the scene of the crime.  Our experiences of murders are usually of the fictional writings of the detective novels but every once in a while, there is a real-life situation where a missing person leads the police to the real-life detection.

 By painstakingly collecting evidence from the scene of the crime, they put together a case and the culprit is apprehended.  The murders usually have planned it all out and by making some critical error the plan is exposed.  God makes it very clear.  “Thou shalt not kill" but this commandment is ignored by those with sufficient ego and greed who attempt to commit this most heinous crime of all. There are many reasons for the committing of this crime, and it usually depends on the ego of the murderer, who believes that they can get away with it. 

 We don’t know how often missing people are not found as there is too little evidence for a successful result, except for the disappearance of a person from the community. To deliver in this disappearance another strategy must be found to explain it and have the evidence found that creates the search for the missing person.  Whatever the cause the detective forces are not fooled and with all the evidence available they usually come up with the correct answers.  Murder is the most foul and dangerous act of a mentally disturbed mind.

 Wednesday, 21st April 2021

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