To be given a gift freely without any strings attached is to be allowed to receiving generosity itself. The freedom of acceptance is well and truly whatever the acceptance of that which is given. To be allowed to accept from God the gift of healing is freely given on the understanding that we use it to do healing of all who come to you in need and may be given freely to show the purpose of freedom.
The generosity of acceptance is so that the greater good can receive the blessings of generosity itself. The energies given and received will gradually build up from smaller beginnings to stronger and greater results. From these small beginnings the rewards of greater healing will be felt, as the energies continue to strengthen the healing becomes greater. The level of healing happens not by chance, but by divine power, as the more the healer believes the more guides have the abilities allowed to heal at a greater rate.
Jesus is an example of healing at the highest rate, as he didn’t even have to put his hands on the patient in order to heal their infirmities. It was enough for the recipient to know in their hearts that Jesus had the power to heal that their faith in him was enough to make the healing occur. Many times, Jesus said, “Go your way. It is your faith that made you whole.” They went on their way rejoicing that they had been cured by God having freely given them what they deserved and by their faith they had been cured.
To be freely given a gift from the Almighty, it is a joy to observe the miracles occurring by using His freely given gift in knowing that He allows miraculous healing to occur, when both parties have faith in His ability to heal. Jesus told us to go forth and heal and we would be given greater gifts that his. We need to trust in the power of the Almighty and to believe that we are worthy of receiving His gifts, so that God, who gives freely, can and will allow His miracles to be given for the glory of God and our belief in His abilities are freely given.
Monday, 5th April 2021
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