19 April 2021


 Our lives are full of emergencies, where we have to act quickly in order to save a complete disaster.  There are moments where quick thinking and actions save the disaster from occurring.  It is because we are able to act quickly that the emergency is saved.  To be in a state of being where everything is working in order and suddenly there is a failure of a trusted functioning, so that what should happen as normal fails to happen, like the breaks on one’s car on a busy motorway and instead of slowing down one’s car continues to travel onward making a collision with another vehicle a certainty.  There may be multiple collisions and a pile up is assured but the emergency is real and to slow one’s vehicle is necessary to save lives.

 It is at times like these moments that one calls out to God to save us from harm and from hurting others, who may be traveling with us and to allow an angel to appear and through a miracle prevent the eventual crash and the ensuing carnage.  There may be an emergency in the home, where paramedics are called to help someone who has had a fall or is experiencing a bodily malfunction.  These medical angels come and take charge of a situation where a heart attack or stroke has occurred, and immediate specialist knowledge is required.  The waiting time before their arrival can be long and hard, but they will and do arrive to save the day.

Many accidents at home or in the garden are cause for concern and the emergency has to be averted by the action of others who stand in for God’s angels, who may even have been passing through and were present in that vital moment, whereby some miracle they were able to save a life or hold the matter in hand until expert help arrives.  There are moments on the beach when a bather gets swept away by a stronger current than they realized.  Somebody is needed to go to their aid.  Not all beaches have coast guards.  It is not always clear when a red flag is flying to keep people out of the water.  Any water anywhere is a potential danger to somebody.  Help may be needed to save a life.

Emergencies arrive from nowhere and occur because their presence was not foreseen.  We can only hope and pray that if one occurs in our lives that we will not be found wanting.  They are certain to occur when everything seems quiet and there is no sign of impending trouble.  We are most likely to find one in the home or in our garden when something appears to trigger an occurrence out of the norm.  We need to be always aware of any potential happenings that cause us to a call out to God for help.  There is a constant spiritual alarm system that is always in place and all we have to do is ask.  However, we may not be in time and afterwards we blame ourselves for not saving the day.  We must always be prepared for what is to come.

 Monday, 19th April 2021

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