To have understanding is to have access to wisdom that it holds. It is not always the case that in understanding the truth will emerge. It is in the understanding that greater use can be made of the facts that are portrayed. Without understanding there is little point in attempting to go forwards or make any progress. It is through the knowledge that understanding becomes a reality. It is from the understanding that greater knowledge can be achieved and by thinking harder it can be achieved. It is through understanding that the basis of all wisdom is secured.
It is through a rare gift that future knowledge becomes possible. The greater understanding is allowed to be known. Everything worth knowing is built on the basis that are formed from the basic builder’s blocks of further understanding. There are many levels that can be achieved, but all start from the first vital glimmers of light that are seen in the darkness. It is not just the light that appears to be about known facts that are one by one built up together to form understanding.
As youngsters begin their schooling, they must first discover basics, but random pieces of knowledge that teachers can use as building bricks to the greater understanding. It is as we start to understand that the detail becomes whole in the knowledge of that subject. In time, these subjects themselves will coalesce bringing a dawning of the greater picture, which will in turn become enlightening. As Jesus taught in parables, so the simple people could understand his message in such a way that it made sense to the simple folk and they were able to change their outlook on life as they knew it.
Each parable had a simple message that in itself brought an understanding that wasn’t there before. These simple stories brought enlightenment where there was little light before, but, as they listened to more parables, the pieces like a jigsaw puzzle started to fall into place. This is still the way that our Father in Heaven gives us opportunities to do good for others and, by doing so, we begin to understand the greater need and we are shown bigger pieces of the whole, which leads us to further understanding. We would not reach the greater growth without being prepared in this way of seeking and finding the goodness of God’s teaching. Our understanding depends on His lessons, as we go through life and understand the need for wisdom.
Tuesday, 13th April 2021
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