30 April 2021


This is all that is required to find success.  We all need to work together to maintain the greater good.  Once we have found our very best, we can join in with others through cooperation, bringing the very best results.  Looking at the workings of group success, it is through the organization of putting people in the best conditions to shine and achieve their finest hours.  It was illustrated by the words of Winston Churchill, "Never was so much owed by so many to so few."  He was paying tribute to the fighter pilots of the Royal Air Force, who, against incredible odds, cleared the skies of German planes and prevented the invasion of the British Isles.  These young men went up time and time again.  They came from many different sources, but worked together in cooperation to win the day,

 The recent pandemic is another example of cooperation.  The National Health Service worked long hours and made many sacrifices so that Covid-19 could be controlled.  The nation was made safe by the cooperation of many people and services.  The British people survived Lock down and only essential services were allowed out of their homes to keep the vital services going.  There was a spirit of cooperation, where everybody lent a hand so that those who were unable to go out received their vital supplies and the old and infirm managed to get by due to the cooperation of neighbors and friends.  We all needed a helping hand.  Everybody did their share.

 It is not only when the chips are down that cooperation is needed.  Recently the Americans landed on the planet Mars with remarkable results.  Through cooperation their team managed to send a spaceship to another planet and carry out functions that would have seemed impossible before the vehicle landed.  They manufactured Oxygen and flew a helicopter making the conquest of space seem possible and a reality.  Many skills are needed to make a successful attempt become a success, but all the skills in the world would fail without the cooperation of each and every one in those teams.  We need to turn our cooperation into peaceful explorations of global problems.  If we all pulled together, we could make this world a safer and better place.

 Global warming is happening at a mighty pace, due to the actions of people taking greed for themselves and not caring about the future of this planet.  We all need to cooperate together to find ways of controlling the destruction of our assets.  The forests are being cut down.  The temperature is rising, the ice is melting.  The sea level is starting to flood the lower levels of land on which people have lived for thousands of years.  The flora and fauna are disappearing, crops are being lost.  The Coronavirus showed us how easy it is to turn this world into chaos.  Still millions of people are dying from its ravages as it has spread through all countries and can only be stopped by vaccinations from the wealthy nations to be given to the poorer ones.  This can only occur through global cooperation.

 Friday, 30th April 2021

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