31 January 2021

The Royal Bloodline

 Throughout history there have been bloodlines of Kingship that have been used to keep pure the true lines of the rulers from those of the common people.  There were such lines in Egypt two thousand years before the time of Christ, where Pharaohs married their sisters in an attempt to keep the blood pure.  These lines could be carried through the fathers or mothers or through the males of the father and there were many attempts to ensure that the dynasty never ran out of kings not having a son to carry on.  Where this happened, another dynasty was stated by marriage through another line, so that the line was continuous wherever possible.

 Conquest through war also meant the erasing of a true line and the conquered was unable to carry on his line.  Often the conquering King would marry the daughter of the conquered people to help keep the peace and remain conquered, as the offspring over time took the place of the new dynasty.  Occasionally this led to disputing, where ambitious males took advantage by the sword.  They were not unknown for buying an army from another land to lead into battle.  The strength of the sword arm often became the most important item of keeping a royal seat firmly on the throne.

 A conquering leader was more secured by the number of sons that he sired.  They were taught at an early age to defend themselves creating a niche in the royal hierarchy for themselves and being available to put down rebellions from the country itself.  The wealth of the nation often depended on the plunder it achieved.  The top dog or king had first choice of what he wanted.  Women were as chattels and had two chances to live.  One was their good looks and the other as a willingness to be available to sleep in the bed of the man who killed their husband!

 The most famous and, in some ways more peaceful Royal Line, was the messianic Hebrew line, which passed from David through Solomon, who built the Temple in Jerusalem.  The line promised that through it would come a Messiah, who would become King of the Jews and lead them against all their enemies.  It was though this fear that the Romans killed the Prophet Jesus, who, although only teaching love and healing the sick, was hailed by the people as being the Messiah.  He frightened the Jews because of this power and innocence.  They had him crucified by the Romans.

 Sunday, 31st January 2021

30 January 2021


 To stand by each other without fail through thick and thin, that is to be faithful always.  A loving couple, who will not hear a bad word said, will be true to each other and know that they are without stain., can be said to be faithful.  Never will they forsake each other.  They remain steadfast and true.  This state of faithfulness remains true to the love that they have for each other whether this is to a sibling, a friend or the union of two people.  It may take the form of friendship or as lovers, but this bond is a commitment, which is togetherness over time.  It is proof that time and time again it remains unsullied by any other force.

 It can be an idea or belief that doesn’t change with time but holds hard to the original concepts.  To remain faithful and not change is not a stubborn act, but in faithfulness to ones ideal conceptions.  Often, as we grow older our capacity and understanding changes, but to some things we remain faithful throughout.  Others may see our actions as incompatible with their own, but we will remain steadfast.  Our tastes may change and in other respects we find ourselves taking a new make of car or a girlfriend, but there will be a faithfulness in some issues that are built into our psyche.

 We may remember a moment in our younger days, when a prayer to Jesus was granted and we were kept out of trouble.  Our link to his love will keep us faithful to him and we remember his teachings and try to be true to them always.  Our prayers are always directed through him and we know that they are heard.  We may not always get what we think need, but when we require something important like a new house or a new friend, we faithfully ask for his help in recognizing our needs.  If we don’t ask for what we think we need then we are unlikely to be given them.

 Faithfulness works two ways and, if we truly believe in The Master Jesus or any other being, we should keep faith with them.  As they will keep faith with us with what we need for our own good.  Happiness is a state of being when you accept the righteousness of what you are given.  It breeds contentment and someone’s faith in those who help us through life is a reality and is proved time and time again.  Keep faith with each other and be at peace and then there is harmony.

 Saturday, 30th January 2021

29 January 2021

Passing with Covid-19

 This virus is ruling the lives of everybody just now, as we need to know the best way to treat it,.  If you already have it of course, with your own new antibodies, you have a better chance of survival.  That is to have a vaccine, but this isn’t all, as it takes an optimist to depend on the tapestry of changing life.  It is not just a matter of getting the needle into your arm, but by being at risk you are less likely to get the protection that you need.  We are all at risk.  It is simply a question of how God chooses the end in this game of Casino Royal.

 By wearing the face mask and staying away through social distancing, we are doing our best to shorten the odds.  However, in the long run, it is better to behave in a sensible way and, by doing so, we are best placed to keep ourselves safe and sound.  Almighty God has the say, whether we live out our lives in whatever time He gives us.  We can prepare for the worst at times of pandemics, but there are chances that we could be knocked down by a bus, however careful we are.  It is as if everybody in the world is involved in a massive game of chance.  You draw your lot.  You wait to be called.

 Our Spirit Guides know what is best for us and we will be protected from the virus, if it is God’s will that we survive and continue to work for the greater good.  Nothing is certain, except those who work in hospitals are taking the greater risk for themselves and their families.  How the future of life unfolds in the way it does, only the Most High can answer and we are here on this earth plane to do His will and, although we have been granted freewill, it doesn’t give us the right to opt out of how and when we pass away from this world to a better place.

 We leave here when God decides we need to go.  Our choice doesn’t include the right to stay and remain.  We never know when our time will come, but we know we must always be prepared.  We all have unfinished business and that needs to be as little as possible.  Some tasks can be completed in the next world, but it is much easier to finish the jobs here and be ready to say to God, “Okay.  I am ready. Please take me home!”  Do not panic when it is your turn to go.  It will be as simple as you deserve. Whatever the time you are called you will be helped and welcomed on the other side by all your loved ones who have gone before.

 Friday, 29th January 2021

28 January 2021

A Moment in History

 Time is the measuring of events.  It is nothing without there being happenings coming into our mindsets.  It can go slowly or pass very quickly depending on the number of events that occur.  You may choose to lie down in the countryside to rest and relax.  Nothing will disturb your peace, but events still occur.  It is just that you are not aware of them.  The clouds still move in the sky on a summer’s day and the wind still blows as it travels from place to place. 

 If you fall asleep you become oblivious to what goes on around you, but they still occur, without you noticing them.  You may be ignorant to your state of being and your missing them may be of no account.  On the other hand, you may be watching a game and miss the vital scoring event that was the highlight of the game.  In life, we are given a number of years to observe the events around us and to participate in the happenings.  As events go on around us, God gives us opportunities to act and take part.

 Some people daydream through life and miss the opportunities to make a difference.  They may not realize that there are opportunities for personal and or professional growth.  They may choose to walk by on the other side and not get involved.  Others will take advantage and progress with their lives and impact on others, who may need their contact or help.  We all have on this earth plane to live out a life span, short or long as God decides what to give us.  A young life maybe taken away.  They will have been where and when they were needed to fulfill the task that they were given.

 We cannot judge with God’s eyes but if we live a life of meaning and always do these acts of help and kindness when they occur, we have a better chance of doing His will rather than our own.  Sleeping through life is a sad reflection of the abilities we have been given.  It is such a waste.  One who God gave the healing gift to and it was left aside, so that the healing guides that come with it were left redundant.  Where a soul needed the healing and the removal of the pain and discomfort but was left unloved and abandoned.  It is up to us to use all gifts that we are given for the greater good and not walk by on the other side.

 Thursday, 28th January 2021

27 January 2021


 This is a state of being, where there is no harm that can touch you.  Everything is  safe and secure.  There are no emotions that are negative allowed in this state as all is positive.  All is perfect.  It is a state where everything is equal and balanced to perfection.  There can be no intrusion as all is in perfect balance. Nothing can be said to be out of order, as everything is in perfect harmony.  There is nothing that can ruffle this state of being.  Nothing can be added.  Nothing can be taken away.  This state has to be worked for and when achieved everything is in harmony and balance.  There is no room for more or less.

 There is no wanting as everything is achieved.  Working for this state is to have achieved all that can be so for evermore.  It is as though love is perfected and, like a cat purring, contentment knows no further bounds.  This heavenly state is reached when nothing further is courted or required.  To achieve everything, all at one time, is to be loved by your lover is such a way that love holds the key for everything.  The state of unconditional love is bliss, as everything is given and achieved without asking for it or the need to want it.  You don’t know that you ever need it until you have it and then it is perfect. 

 Imagine a state where there is no illness.  Everything is already healed.  All things are totally healthy and there is no negativity to counteract the light and love that is mysteriously always there.  This is no aberration as everything is already achieved.  One feels emotions to the fullness of what they are.  Happiness abounds and sadness does not exist.  It is impossible to be bored as all things are already filled and completed.  It is difficult to imagine the completeness that bliss brings.  Nothing more to achieve, as everything has already been finished.

 Heaven must be a state of bliss, where everyone has already made the standards that God had asked of them.  Nobody needs help, because there is no unfinished business to be done.  Everybody is smiling and goodness is everywhere.  So, what does this state mean?  We have left the state of grace through all the learning curves of life to be perfect in the eyes of God and so be acceptable to His power and love.  We have achieved all our lessons and now is the time to stop reflecting and to just be.  To be at one with the Almighty, knowing that work is over and there is no more left to do, but just be a part of the Infinite mind in peace and love. 

 Wednesday, 27th January 2021

26 January 2021


 Something that is easy on the eye is said to be delightful.  It is not heavy or dark, but it is delicate and feminine.  A small child when she skips and plays, may be delightful.  She is full of goodness and has no dark side.  She is made of light and love.  She carries with her all good and gently beautiful things.  A small posy of flowers gently gathered and matched in similarly of size and color, may be said to be delightful when given to a lovely lady, whose looks reflect the perfection of the flowers.  They carry a softness and are delicate.  They may be said to be delightful.

 A group of innocent children playing quietly on the lawn does not require an adult to be with them.  They flow without any harshness and know exactly how and when to move like a perfect ballet, when all the notes follow together in a stream of melodious perfection.  There is light and a positivity about the energies that is delicate and once touched they melt away.  It cannot be captured or recorded for in that moment it captures the light and becomes, for that instant, perfection.

 There is a fleeting of something beyond this that exerts normality like a midsummer dream.  It is only real in the eye of the beholder for a magical instant before it is gone forever.  Perhaps the delicacy of an angel, as it is called to help with life when needed, comes and goes.  In between there is the miracle of timed perfection, as unconditional love is shown to someone in need of understanding.

 Perhaps they have lost a loved one who has been called back to God and nothing appears to be able to fill the void that is left behind.  Yet for an instant and in perfect timing, God chose to show that soul, left behind and hurting, the healing energy of unconditional love.  That soul will never forget that feeling of delicacy, that moment when all around them was love that bathed the wounds of losing the most precious gift they had ever received.  In that moment of delightful perfection, God showed to this earthly world a glimpse of Heaven that will never be forgotten.

Tuesday, 26th January 2021

25 January 2021


 To be loyal to ones friends and principles is to be honorable in all things.  To be dear to the good things, which may be found in principles that are held together through life is to hold dear to the friendships and love and not be tempted away by other opportunities that appear on one’s horizons.  It is what comes first that one holds onto and will not easily change to something else.  It was Peter, who was disloyal to Jesus in denying him three times on that fateful night, when he was betrayed by Judas Iscariot.  Disloyalty is a very strong negative to loyalty.

 Love is the stronger for having loyalty, as one remains true to first expressions of declaring one’s self to keep the honor of that love, even if tempted by another.  Sometimes lovers have to part by having to be away in another country or at University, but the loyalty has to hold firm and true.  To give one’s support to a team, one can remain loyal to one’s first choice, in spite being among others who support another club or team.  Many will remain loyal to their roots, even when they move into higher and often better conditions.  However, one can be loyal and still help others, who feel in need despite being on a different track or beginnings. 

 One can remain loyal to God, even in the company of heathens or barbarians and it will matter not how much one maybe teased or even bullied, one will never let this love be replaced or despoiled by others.  The disciples were loyal to Jesus who loved them all, even though he was aware of their weaknesses.  He chose them for their individual goodness.  All had a part to play in the future of his teaching and healing.  They were amazed by him and how he loved everybody, even those who they felt were beneath him like the tax collectors.

 When Jesus was taken away on that dark night, they soon scattered.  Their loyalties were questioned and found wanting.  They saw him judged, scourged and crucified.  He was taken down from the cross to be buried. They didn’t yet understand his teachings that he would rise from the dead.  They still loved Jesus but didn’t have the true understanding, as they were frightened by the Jews and the Romans.  As they waited not knowing what to do, Mary Madelaine brought the news that she had seen and spoken with their Master and that he would come amongst them, so that they could go out and prove their loyalty and preach the good news.

 Monday, 25th January 2021

24 January 2021

The Ten Commandments

 While being engraved with the true words of God, Mankind has to be content with the words that he is capable of receiving.  As Moses brought the Ten Commandments to the Children of Israel, they knew how to be ready to receive them.  They may be the chosen Children of God, but they still have to be tempered to receive His will.  It is like a language that is different to one’s life that has to be learned and be understood.  There can be no excuse in not understanding God’s word because it is not clear to the hearer.  To sin, not knowing the sin, is no excuse.  It is up to us to understand the Law as it beats in our very heart and must be heard.

 We all know the word of God, because it is given to us as being right or wrong.  We all appreciate the positive energy of love, because it is felt within us all.  Negativity is also built in, as it is the darkness that is felt by devilish temptation.  We all know when we are doing wrong.  We feel instinctively what is right and what is wrong.  It is as though we feel what we do to others is acceptable or not.  We accept the judgement of our actions, even though we have yet to commit them.  We know the result before we do the act and must take the consequences.

 For many we are stopped in our tracks, but for others we carry on to doing the act, feeling within us an excitement in doing what we are shown to be wrong in breaking one of the Ten Commandments.  We are judged already by God before we do it and this gives us the choice in what we do.  To break God’s Law and even being reminded that we err, is to be the folly of our own making.  We are all tempted at times to see if we are sincere and can truly be reasonable.  If we go ahead, we are shamed and will always be feel our guilt until forgiven by Almighty God for our transgression.

 There is no joy in breaking God’s Commandments.  We only think there is.  We will be reminded again.  After we pass from the earth plane, we will be faced with our life’s review.  We will be shown our follies and must judge ourselves in the full light of God’s goodness.  There will be no mitigating circumstances, as we will know how we truly failed and what we must do to rectify our actions.  God does forgive, but we must learn to forgive ourselves.  Amen.

 Sunday, 24th January 2021

23 January 2021


 To be as one with the whole, where it is the center of everything that is right and you are at one with it, means that together you form a unity of possibility.  When everything is as one, the wholeness becomes possible.  Everything is in unity and nothing can divide it.  It is called smooth running.  Each one mills together as one in the same direction.  Everyone is reading from the same page.  It is everything working in love and there are no foreign pathways or divisions in any directions.  Wholeness brings with it stability as there are no decisions away from the common policy.  There may be debate but the final conclusion is revealed in full agreement. 

 When there is an obvious difference of color for example, each is united despite the difference of skin color.  Each one is united in having the same mental attitude to the whole and all think as one, so there are no inborn differences.  Even if there are different levels of IQ or brain power, they all individually act as one and the wholeness is cemented together.  Even when there is competition, as on the sports field, it is the degree of skill and opportunity that wins.  With wholeness comes peace and harmony.

 Love prevails against all the negative energies and everyone courts the best for each other.  All are pulling in the same direction and no person is selfishly being pushed for the sake of their own ego. People are only concerned with what they need and sharing for the greater good becomes possible.  God is able to smile down on all his creations, who equally benefit from the existence of each other.  Symbiosis abounds so that all have equal needs that become the same for each other.  No one species is dominant as they all have the same needs and look to achieve them together.

 The law is upheld as nobody takes advantage of another and so there is no self-interest that dominates.  In fact, there is no dominance of anything.  Love prevails in equal measure for all and there is no hostility or jealousy.  It is not boring, because each soul is looking for opportunities to help each other and community projects are jointly done for all and so the very best is achieved.  Wholeness is a step towards Heaven, where all are equal and all participate together for the greater good, coming together to give thanks to the great Creator for all they have and knowing it is enough for all their needs.  Wholeness is sufficiency.

 Saturday, 23rd January 2021

22 January 2021


 The purity of goodness is to have no negativity.  It is the source of God.  There can be no blemish.  It’s purity is transparent and only that light is of the very whitest can be allowed.  Goodness is said to be a quality that is the substance with which we come to earth and our job is to keep it as pure as the driven snow.  A flake falls to earth without blemish until it lands on the sidewalk and becomes contaminated.  It is like the source that our Creator made in His image, but before long it is touched by the impurities of this earth and it becomes flawed.

 We arrive like the snowflake but soon become stained by the innermost evil that exists everywhere.  It cannot escape and, in that instant, it is damaged beyond repair.  Only God can make it pure again by His forgiveness.  He alone knows what it is like to be touched and exposed to the dangers of this world.  Like a virgin, once touched, the virginity can never be again.  That purity can never be what it was once before.  We cannot stop contamination however much we try to.   A pure canvas only needs one spot to take away its purity and then the goodness is no longer there.

 We come to earth with an impossible task of remaining fit to be a part of God.  We live our lives by trying to remain as best we can in His image and however hard we try we are doomed to failure.  This, God knows and so balances our impurities with goodness, that we create in doing good deeds in helping our fellow man and woman along the way.  We can never do enough to remove the negativity that we were stained with in our coming.  However, each good deed is like a snowflake that in landing on our soul, lightens the tone of the whole.

 The more good we do, the more we can be judged to be purified.  We are no longer lost in the darkness of not caring what happens to others.  That state of being is the result of being loveless.  We cannot be pure without loving all God’s creations and doing all we can to appreciate them and, in our love of them, goodness is born in our own souls.  With this is developed the very heart of good things that in His generosity, God rewards us for attempting the higher degree of love that we can never achieve on Earth, but we prepare the way to be in God’s image when we pass from the Earth’s negativity into the positive light of goodness once again.

 Friday, 22nd January 2021

21 January 2021


When the time has come to receive is neglected, then matters have gone beyond the scope of a situation, it may be that a person can no longer cope with the situation.  Matters have broken down to such a degree that help is needed.  It could be that the car ceases to progress and needs an expert mechanic from an automobile service group to administer the right treatment to get it going again.  It maybe that a company is in difficulties and requires a cash injection to balance the books to get them trading again.  We all need rescuing at times, from being stuck on the mountain side when unexpected weather has closed in, to bring a body with broken limbs that needs the rescue to be carried out. 

 It all comes from an unseen state of affairs that has put us in danger of not being able to continue on our path.  While waiting for the rescue to come there is usually a prayer put out to God to come to our aid.  When we pray in the right way, believing in this help and love for us to bring about a rescue that we hope for, but cannot see.  We expect a miracle to be given to us.  That miracle will depend on the amount of need and sometimes on the stress being caused to the individual.  When a beloved is ill and cannot be saved by medical science, a prayer to take away the pain and discomfort is often asked for.  To ease the burden on a soul is to understand that God will not ask them to suffer beyond what they can bear.

 Healers know what is at stake here.  Hands on healers ask for miracles every time they send healing to a patient.  Sometimes they have been told that the doctors can do no more and that they have a limited time left before they die.  In these circumstances the healer, through their healing guides, ask God to rescue the patient and for example to stop a tumor continuing to expand.  Over a number of sessions, the guides use the healing power through the hands of the healer to first stabilize the tumor and then to shrink it.  To the amazement of the medical profession, they pronounce that the tumor is not showing up in their scans and the life has been rescued by God giving that person the chance to rejoice and finish what they still had left to do in their lives.  God doesn’t ignore or give up on us and neither should we give up on Him.  Through our belief system we can give Him our love and respect. Then we are heard, and Heaven can rejoice.  Amen.

 Thursday, 21st January 2021


20 January 2021

The Oval Office

This room is famous as being the office of the President of the United States.  This room is set aside as being the most powerful office in the world.  After winning the election and a place in history, a Democrat or a Republican finds himself with the task of making the decisions that can mean war or peace to the World.  Only one man at a time can work here and it has an atmosphere that carries a mighty power, which could corrupt.  It is almost impossible to walk away after ones time in office has elapsed and usually the occupant gives way to the next with a grace and purpose that is shown to be generous and peaceful.

 Only now has come a time, when the office has so corrupted the user that his mind has shown him to be unfit for office.  His refusal to admit that he had lost an election and he had no right to return for a second term.  Twice this man has been impeached and twice has to face the justice of his fellows.  He will be remembered as inciting an unruly mob to break into the Capital and re-make the result of the election.  His own belief that the election was stolen from him is unjustified and like a work of fiction he cannot acknowledge the unthinkable that he has lost.

 Eventually he is persuaded to leave and face in the critics of his wrongdoings.  It seemed that he had been manipulated into an untenable course of action, where no gentleman can be found.  He leaves with little grace and faces an uncertain future, as this still proud man is forced to concede his position like a rat leaving a sinking ship.  His so-called friends gradually fade away, leaving him alone and he is forced to make a farewell speech honoring his own achievements as he accepts the lonely walk away.

 His successor is an honorable man and has to keep his head held high and redraw the actions of the former President, who has been allowed to make outrageous claims in dealing with people.  Policy must be re-written and God Himself must look on and guide them both according to His law.

 Wednesday, 20th January 2021