03 January 2021


 The British exit from the European Union is now official.  The long-suffering British citizens are tired of being stripped of their heritage and can now once again be in charge of officiating their own sovereignty and borders.

 Decimalization robbed them of their currency £sd.  Ten pennies was only left out of the twelve.  They lost their pints of milk and beer and had to learn metrication.  Mrs Thatcher and those who followed her, stopped short of losing the Pound to the Euro.

 It wasn’t since Roman times that the British had been dictated to.  They had fought to keep Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler from stepping onto their sovereign land before they allowed Europeans over free borders after two World Wars to entice them into a Common Market.

 Sir Winston Churchill had told them that it was no good waiting to join later and that they needed to be founder members and to help make the rules.  He saw what was to come.  A European Empire lead by France and Germany.  The British struggled to get in and have now struggled to get out!

 When given the chance to vote for leaving, the British voters took their opportunity and now at last, after years of wrangling, these proud island people are free to decide their own future. 

 Friday, 1st January 2021

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