16 January 2021


 It is to be of great worth, so as nobody can succeed in putting a value on it.  It is often said to be a beautiful pearl, often black, with so much luster that it could not be bought.  It is beyond material value, as there isn’t enough in the world that would make a fair price.  To possess such an item is to be beyond value.  It would be useless to possess it, as nobody could buy it from you.  Whatever it was made of or whatever it can be said to do, this item is beyond price and is therefore said to be priceless.

 A relic of religious value like the Shroud of Turin, which is said to be the sheet that held the body of Christ, is unique and therefore priceless.  It cannot be insured, because no amount of money can replace it, as it is said to be priceless.  A robe that was worn by the Christ before his crucifixion was said to have healing qualities to the right person of faith or to drive a man mad, because of his lack of faith.

 We all have items in our possession that have special value to us that are of no value to others.   They may have been worn by one that we loved and is priceless because it cannot be replaced.  It is without worth in the marketplace through its lack of material worth, but to us it is priceless.  What is it worth to another?  Who would say what to possess it?  Here we have a rarity value, as a stone dug out of the earth can at auction change hands at millions of dollars and has to be kept in a bank vault for security.  A painting by a popular artist is either displayed in a museum or art gallery for all to see or else belongs to a private collector, who is ill-advised to hang it over his fireplace, where it would be an object for thieves to break in and steal.

 Jesus spoke of treasure in Heaven, where rust and moths do not corrupt it.  Good deeds are our legacy.  They accord us the recognition that we deserve.  They earn us a place in the next world, where we are valued according to our actions in helping others less fortunate than ourselves.  It is not just by giving alms to the poor, but by giving what is required to souls that are in need.  Everyone can be a good Samaritan, but many walk by on the other side.  Give to those who are in need and your cup runneth over.  Wealth is by no means a value of your life.  You leave with nothing when you pass into the next world, but your deeds will be remembered.  It is your soul that is priceless.

Saturday, 16th January 2021

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