Time is the measuring of events. It is nothing without there being happenings coming into our mindsets. It can go slowly or pass very quickly depending on the number of events that occur. You may choose to lie down in the countryside to rest and relax. Nothing will disturb your peace, but events still occur. It is just that you are not aware of them. The clouds still move in the sky on a summer’s day and the wind still blows as it travels from place to place.
If you fall asleep you become oblivious to what goes on around you, but they still occur, without you noticing them. You may be ignorant to your state of being and your missing them may be of no account. On the other hand, you may be watching a game and miss the vital scoring event that was the highlight of the game. In life, we are given a number of years to observe the events around us and to participate in the happenings. As events go on around us, God gives us opportunities to act and take part.
Some people daydream through life and miss the opportunities to make a difference. They may not realize that there are opportunities for personal and or professional growth. They may choose to walk by on the other side and not get involved. Others will take advantage and progress with their lives and impact on others, who may need their contact or help. We all have on this earth plane to live out a life span, short or long as God decides what to give us. A young life maybe taken away. They will have been where and when they were needed to fulfill the task that they were given.
We cannot judge with God’s eyes but if we live a life of meaning and always do these acts of help and kindness when they occur, we have a better chance of doing His will rather than our own. Sleeping through life is a sad reflection of the abilities we have been given. It is such a waste. One who God gave the healing gift to and it was left aside, so that the healing guides that come with it were left redundant. Where a soul needed the healing and the removal of the pain and discomfort but was left unloved and abandoned. It is up to us to use all gifts that we are given for the greater good and not walk by on the other side.
Thursday, 28th January 2021
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