09 January 2021


 Where the blood doesn’t flow hot and there is easiness in the soul, there is a calmness everywhere.  It is like a sunny day in summer with a gentle breeze.  There is no hurry.  Everything is gentle and at peace.  The heartbeat slows and it seems that there is all the time in the world to complete any task that is contemplated.

 No anger can survive at this time.  Everything is gentle peace at this time.  Nothing is disturbed.  It is a time when it is good to contemplate and to allow the mind to drift into meditation.  Questions can be answered, and the purpose of life becomes clear.  There is spiritual meaning felt and the Infinite Spirit can communicate His Divine Purpose with clarity.

 No longer can you be in doubt as to why you are on this Earth Plane and all things are felt to be created in love.  Destiny is shown at moments like this, as your calmness of Spirit becomes a receptive beacon of enlightenment.  Spiritual communication is held clearly in the mind and will never be forgotten.  Divine Purpose is forever given and guidance in life is forsworn.

Saturday, 9th January 2021

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