26 January 2021


 Something that is easy on the eye is said to be delightful.  It is not heavy or dark, but it is delicate and feminine.  A small child when she skips and plays, may be delightful.  She is full of goodness and has no dark side.  She is made of light and love.  She carries with her all good and gently beautiful things.  A small posy of flowers gently gathered and matched in similarly of size and color, may be said to be delightful when given to a lovely lady, whose looks reflect the perfection of the flowers.  They carry a softness and are delicate.  They may be said to be delightful.

 A group of innocent children playing quietly on the lawn does not require an adult to be with them.  They flow without any harshness and know exactly how and when to move like a perfect ballet, when all the notes follow together in a stream of melodious perfection.  There is light and a positivity about the energies that is delicate and once touched they melt away.  It cannot be captured or recorded for in that moment it captures the light and becomes, for that instant, perfection.

 There is a fleeting of something beyond this that exerts normality like a midsummer dream.  It is only real in the eye of the beholder for a magical instant before it is gone forever.  Perhaps the delicacy of an angel, as it is called to help with life when needed, comes and goes.  In between there is the miracle of timed perfection, as unconditional love is shown to someone in need of understanding.

 Perhaps they have lost a loved one who has been called back to God and nothing appears to be able to fill the void that is left behind.  Yet for an instant and in perfect timing, God chose to show that soul, left behind and hurting, the healing energy of unconditional love.  That soul will never forget that feeling of delicacy, that moment when all around them was love that bathed the wounds of losing the most precious gift they had ever received.  In that moment of delightful perfection, God showed to this earthly world a glimpse of Heaven that will never be forgotten.

Tuesday, 26th January 2021

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