30 January 2021


 To stand by each other without fail through thick and thin, that is to be faithful always.  A loving couple, who will not hear a bad word said, will be true to each other and know that they are without stain., can be said to be faithful.  Never will they forsake each other.  They remain steadfast and true.  This state of faithfulness remains true to the love that they have for each other whether this is to a sibling, a friend or the union of two people.  It may take the form of friendship or as lovers, but this bond is a commitment, which is togetherness over time.  It is proof that time and time again it remains unsullied by any other force.

 It can be an idea or belief that doesn’t change with time but holds hard to the original concepts.  To remain faithful and not change is not a stubborn act, but in faithfulness to ones ideal conceptions.  Often, as we grow older our capacity and understanding changes, but to some things we remain faithful throughout.  Others may see our actions as incompatible with their own, but we will remain steadfast.  Our tastes may change and in other respects we find ourselves taking a new make of car or a girlfriend, but there will be a faithfulness in some issues that are built into our psyche.

 We may remember a moment in our younger days, when a prayer to Jesus was granted and we were kept out of trouble.  Our link to his love will keep us faithful to him and we remember his teachings and try to be true to them always.  Our prayers are always directed through him and we know that they are heard.  We may not always get what we think need, but when we require something important like a new house or a new friend, we faithfully ask for his help in recognizing our needs.  If we don’t ask for what we think we need then we are unlikely to be given them.

 Faithfulness works two ways and, if we truly believe in The Master Jesus or any other being, we should keep faith with them.  As they will keep faith with us with what we need for our own good.  Happiness is a state of being when you accept the righteousness of what you are given.  It breeds contentment and someone’s faith in those who help us through life is a reality and is proved time and time again.  Keep faith with each other and be at peace and then there is harmony.

 Saturday, 30th January 2021

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