27 January 2021


 This is a state of being, where there is no harm that can touch you.  Everything is  safe and secure.  There are no emotions that are negative allowed in this state as all is positive.  All is perfect.  It is a state where everything is equal and balanced to perfection.  There can be no intrusion as all is in perfect balance. Nothing can be said to be out of order, as everything is in perfect harmony.  There is nothing that can ruffle this state of being.  Nothing can be added.  Nothing can be taken away.  This state has to be worked for and when achieved everything is in harmony and balance.  There is no room for more or less.

 There is no wanting as everything is achieved.  Working for this state is to have achieved all that can be so for evermore.  It is as though love is perfected and, like a cat purring, contentment knows no further bounds.  This heavenly state is reached when nothing further is courted or required.  To achieve everything, all at one time, is to be loved by your lover is such a way that love holds the key for everything.  The state of unconditional love is bliss, as everything is given and achieved without asking for it or the need to want it.  You don’t know that you ever need it until you have it and then it is perfect. 

 Imagine a state where there is no illness.  Everything is already healed.  All things are totally healthy and there is no negativity to counteract the light and love that is mysteriously always there.  This is no aberration as everything is already achieved.  One feels emotions to the fullness of what they are.  Happiness abounds and sadness does not exist.  It is impossible to be bored as all things are already filled and completed.  It is difficult to imagine the completeness that bliss brings.  Nothing more to achieve, as everything has already been finished.

 Heaven must be a state of bliss, where everyone has already made the standards that God had asked of them.  Nobody needs help, because there is no unfinished business to be done.  Everybody is smiling and goodness is everywhere.  So, what does this state mean?  We have left the state of grace through all the learning curves of life to be perfect in the eyes of God and so be acceptable to His power and love.  We have achieved all our lessons and now is the time to stop reflecting and to just be.  To be at one with the Almighty, knowing that work is over and there is no more left to do, but just be a part of the Infinite mind in peace and love. 

 Wednesday, 27th January 2021

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