08 January 2021


 Grace is beauty in motion.  It is smooth.  There are no rough edges.  Grace is poetry in motion.  To be able to move as nature and God intended is positive indeed.  It is a perfectly smooth movement, where perfection is reached.  There is nothing ugly here, but something where no improvement is needed.  It is a natural gift and is God given.

 It cannot be acquired through practice.  It can be only attempted.  One only has grace as a virtue, it is not lost with aging.  It becomes smoother and more natural, as God’s gifts stay protected in maturity.  Anything perfected in this way becomes great, when touched upon by coming close.  It is something that one dreams of having.  It is given to be portrayed, which God knows how best to do and uses it to show it off by an Angel to carry it.

 It is a blessing to recognize it, as grace shows it has been founded by the Infinite Spirit.  As a mark of respect and purity, grace is among the galaxy of gifts and is never lost in negativity.  One feels infinitely close to perfection, as if touched by God’s hand.  That experience is never forgotten but remembered for all time.  One wishes to copy it, but that is impossible.  It is earned by selfless prayers to prove that Heaven can be seen on Earth.

 Friday, 8th January 2021

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