08 May 2021

All at Once

 When one has difficulties in one’s life and you find it hard to see the way ahead resolve itself in a satisfactory way, it is sensible to look at your problem from as many angles as possible.  Once you have examined all the possible effects on all others around you that are affected by your possible decisions and you still cannot see the way to resolve it, then ask God to help you to do the right thing and act in the correct way.  To say a mantra each and every day is always a good idea.  Ask God to show you the way where there is no way.  By repeating the mantra every day keeps your words out in the universe.  It shows you are serious about asking for help from the Highest Intelligence and that you are still unable to resolve it.   Never give up on asking.  Too many souls expect there to be an instant flash of goodness and the problem is resolved.  The more complex the problem the more that the individual souls will have their pathway changed by the mantra that you are sending.  All must be done according to Spiritual Law.

 Sometimes an answer is given and all at once it is made clear to you what action you must take.  However, on other occasions Spiritual Law dictates that the ball is not in your court and that you cannot play it at this time.  You are asking for God to bring about a way where there is no way clear to you in your earthly life.  That means that if you have appraised the situation correctly the guides of others involved in this situation will have to be guided themselves from On High to help resolve a situation that they were unable to complete before. They needed help and they needed to be asked through your mantra for the help to be given in such a way that all parties benefit from the changes that will have to be made.  Not all of them are sending out a strong mantra like you are and, as we were all granted freewill, their best interests have to be considered.  One thing is certain here.  To turn a situation around for the greater good it takes time to send influence on to all the guides involved to bring about a happy and spiritual result for all parties concerned.

 God can and does produce miracles, but He is not a supermarket where you can go and get what you want regardless of the effects that this will bring.  There is always a payment required and you need to show God the best reasons for your request.  His payment is not made in dollars or precious jewels but in something far more valuable.  It is made in love.  Your mantra will be heard throughout the universe and the reasons for it will be understood also, so you must really feel in your heart that this something that you are ready to sign up for.  Remember that your thoughts and actions are readily known in the Spirit World, where all actions are accountable.  You are requesting what you want from the Highest Intelligence and He will be able to know immediately your motives for asking.  This request must reach certain standards and must not bring any hurt to any other soul.  The reasoning must be clearly based on love and for the greater good. If you could ask God for His guidance, perhaps it should be in the form of seeking to know if you are ready to receive the way where there is no way.

 Many souls who offer up half-hearted prayers to the Divine are asking for what they want and not what they need.  There is too much ego in their request and if it doesn’t come in all at once they tend to lose heart and feel that God is not listening to them today!  They are so wrong!  God is listening to each and every thought and action that we make according to Spiritual Law and the results that occur reflect the laws of goodness and unconditional love.  People have strange ways of acknowledging these happenings and if they have done something deserving of goodness to bless their lives, they tend to say that it was good luck.  Anything that they receive that was unwanted is brushed off as bad luck.  Too many people are not sensitive enough to receive and understand the love from the Spirit World that follows their every action and thought.  All they need to do is to believe in God’s love to help them forwards in their lives and then the answers to their prayers will have been earned and will arrive clearly and all at once.

Saturday, 8th May 2021


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