17 May 2021


 Once upon a time there was a young couple who loved each other so much that they decided that they would get married.  They gave their promises of unconditional love to the Supreme Creator and settled down together.  They worked hard and were able to afford their own house.  They were soon blessed with children. They were very happy together until one day they came home to find that their home had been destroyed.  While they had been away a missile had been launched by their neighboring community, which had struck their home killing all that were in it including all their children.  There had always been unease between the two countries but to find that all that these two souls had loved and worked for had been destroyed seemed utterly cruel.  They were left with nothing except themselves but their love for each other remained.  All that they had achieved together was gone and their position seemed hopeless.

  During times of extreme loss, it is natural enough to call out to God and ask Him what we have done to deserve this.  We haven’t hurt anybody.  We have always tried to live in peace with our neighbors, so why have you taken away our home and our children?  In earthly terms of course God has done no such thing. We always tend to blame God for any disaster or bad luck that comes our way.  If we are honest enough and broadminded enough, in time we will see that it is not God but Man who is responsible for our downfall.  We may be a contributory cause in proceedings that we couldn’t have known about that had led us to be in that place at that time.  For example, why did we buy that particular house in the first place?  Do we simply go ahead using our common sense or do we ask for guidance from above?

 We all have our Spirit Guides, who try when we allow them to help us and advise us with our daily actions.  Do we go to the Mosque or the Synagogue to be told what the leaders want us to hear?  Are we not concerned that women are not allowed to come and sit with their husbands?  Religion should not be a Men Only club where women are of no account.  Through the ages men have dominated and are told that this is the will of the Supreme Being, no matter what He is called, there is no evidence of this but only man’s interpretation for his own desires.  All around the world religions are ruled by the men who benefit from them.  The difference between the sexes is an earthly thing.  The men demand sexual relations when it suits them.  The women are given the ability to produce life, which is much closer to God than any man can claim.

 Spirituality has been driven out of the churches and other meeting houses, because it cannot be controlled by their earthly actions.  Anybody, male or female, young or old, can have the spiritually given sensitivity if they ask for it and try hard enough to allow their Spirit Guides to communicate with them.  However, you need to meet them at least halfway.  You will get nowhere by limiting their response to you by putting all the responsibility on the Spirit.  It is up to you to start off by believing in a world beyond this one.  You need to start recognizing the help and guidance that can and will be given to you, if you are open enough to allow the Spirit into your life.  Most people today are too busy with earthly issues to give up the time that is needed to allow contact to be made, but the first step is to recognize Spiritual Law that comes from God, no matter what we call Him.  Meditate on the spiritual, not the earthly and you will be surprised what you can achieve.

Monday, 17th May 2021

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