15 May 2021


 Embarrassment or awkwardness is an emotional state that is associated with mild to severe levels of discomfort, and which is usually experienced when someone commits a socially unacceptable or frowned-upon act that is witnessed by or revealed to others.  Social media is a prime source of causing embarrassment, where by one person is taken to task for committing indiscretions.  Young people have even committed suicide after they had been asked to supply naked photographs of themselves and were later told that they must pay money to stop these pictures being put out online.  Ladies have been embarrassed when past boyfriends have posted compromising pictures to get their own back for ending the relationship or simply being unpleasant to their former girlfriends.  Not everybody is strong enough to withstand these infringements on their liberties after they have misguidedly left themselves open to this form of abuse.

 One is always at risk of being used by people on social media, who have less than moral interests.  It is a place where fame or shame can be put out around the world in almost equal measures.  From a feeling of awkwardness to humiliation, most people want to keep their thoughts and actions private and to themselves.  They believe that all people have a good side and yet by seeing what many unscrupulous natures some of them have they should be able to see how best to stay clear of dishonorable actions that many innocent souls have experienced.  There are even people who deliberately troll to find victims that they can abuse.  Matchmaking sites are a promise of good relationships to follow with love and harmony and peace for ever after.  There are however many vampires in sheep’s clothing, who can spin a good line and will con the unwary out of their life’s savings.  They then become too embarrassed at their naivety to tell anyone else about it.

 The biggest embarrassment in the world today is the Middle East situation, where Goliath with all its weaponry is destroying little David, who has been penned up in the concentration camp that is known to the outside world as Gaza.  The disproportionate destruction is very one sided, as the strongly right-wing Jews in Israel have their dome protection from the Hamas rockets and missiles.  The Israelis have masses of conventional weaponry and so they are at liberty to destroy the homes of the Arabs, who have no defenses.  At will, their homes become an almost instant pile of rubble and the civilians die.  The story is that Hamas are living in a thousand miles of tunnels underneath Gaza, where they are hiding with their rockets and missiles.  This is of no account to the families who have lost their homes, all their belongings and their family members as well. 

 There is a legacy since 1948, when the Israelis were given the land of Palestine and the means to clear away the Arab population who lived there.  They were removed from their homes by force with many being killed.  Since that time the world has stood by and allowed the Jews the freedom to continue to take what they wanted from the Arabs and to continue to pen them further into what limited land was available to them.  They have very strict freedom to travel. They are guarded by armed soldiers.  This state of affairs is very embarrassing in a civilized world.  This situation is not beyond the humanity of God’s people to solve with His guidance and help.  It appears from outside that both sides are steeped in hatred of the other and that there is no such thing as unconditional love, where the rich and wealthy Jews can at least supply the basic human rights to the poor and downtrodden Arabs that were once living here in peace and harmony.

 Saturday, 15th May 2021


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