To accumulate knowledge and to know best how to use it, is to have wisdom. To be wise is to be able to get to the center of any problem and to distinguish the right direction that the answer needs to give. In the case of the two mothers both claiming that a baby was theirs. The baby was put is a chalk circle and women were told to pull on the baby and the one who pulled it out of the circle would be the winner and could claim the baby. One of the woman really loved the baby and wouldn’t do anything to hurt it, so she refused. She was adjudged to be the real mother, who would rather the other woman had the child than to inflict any harm or hurt on the baby. The judge in this story could be said to be wise and used his wisdom to bring about the right answer to the problem. The Almighty is considered to be a wise spirit as He alone can solve any problem that may be put before Him. This is what we constantly do as we send up our prayers.
What would be wise on our part would be to ask the Almighty to show us how best we can solve the problem that has been put before us. Most souls ask that the problem is taken away, so we don’t have to deal with it. In that case what do we learn? By asking that we are shown how best to deal with our problem, we solve it and also learn by increasing our knowledge. God is happy to teach us, so that we become more able to work for the greater good. There is little point in us being given the opportunity to excel in solving problems if all we do is to ask that they are taken away. We need to think for ourselves and be guided to find the better answer from which we learn and expand our knowledge. We can and do also learn from our mistakes, but we will make less mistakes if we are guided along the better path to solving whatever it is that we need to put right. We are loved and guided correctly if only we would listen to the answers.
Our knowledge comes from our experience and understanding. If we use our common sense, we are able to accumulate our skills and perceptions into worthwhile ways of making our lifetime run more smoothly. It is the degree of this knowledge and our abilities to use it in the right way that gives us the levels of wisdom that we need. It is finding the right level that befits the problem and brings the answer into focus without any bias to one side or the other. We do not need to think of it as wisdom, but to know that it is our best shot, which takes us to the nearest point of successful resolving of the situation. Guidance is often necessary to pinpoint the exact target of our success, where the experience from our Spirit Guides makes us reassured that we are doing the right thing for the greater good.
Jesus was asked by a wealthy man, what he needed to do in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus told him to go home and sell everything that he owned and give the proceeds to the poor. Then he needed to return and follow Jesus. This was very good advice, but as no further mention of the man appeared in the gospels, we can only assume that he was not interested in following the advice that Jesus gave to his question. When a rich man comes to the gates of Heaven he is measured by his good deeds and not by his wealth. His currency of gold and silver is worthless in the next world, but our good deeds for the greater good will carry us far. The rich man was expecting not to be given wisdom but a cause that he could invest in that would return him a sufficiency to buy him a place in the next world. Heaven is not a storehouse of wealthy, but a collection of happy deeds where everything is based on love and there is no negativity allowed to enter in.
Thursday, 13th May 2021
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