04 May 2021

Dawn Chorus

 In the natural world, the darkness of the night is lit by a small but discernible light in the eastern sky.  It is the dawn.  The darkness of night is over.  It is the signal for the awakening of life to begin to live another day.  The birds start to sing, as if in greeting of the incredible gift from our Creator of another day.  This is most noticeable in the Spring when the birds start to defend their breeding territory or call for a mate to share it with.  These are the natural rhythms of continuous nature in a life that goes largely unnoticed by the human population on this earth plane.  We sleep on safely in the knowledge that we control our day length through the use of electricity to light the night, so we can stay up after sunset and sleep in after the dawn of the next day.

 Mankind pays lip service to the natural world and is too busy leading a life of artificial progress, when nature is little more than a weed on the sidewalk that flowers, almost unnoticed by those who walk by.  Some of us have gardens or window boxes, where we attempt to tame nature to our will, but little thought is given to the land outside, where farmers and growers produce food for our daily sustenance.  They may be up at dawn in order to get plants and produce for eating to the marketplace in time for the purchasers like restaurants and hotels to prepare meals for their clients.  Supermarkets will take consignments of food to stock their shelves, as we largely go about our business at home or in the office, almost oblivious of the natural world around us.

 When everything runs smoothly it is a good system that allows us the luxury of having our natural needs supplied without having to go hunting or gathering like our predecessors.  In those days it was a hard life to keep the family fed and watered.  It may have been necessary to keep a fire burning to ward off aggressive animals, who were out looking for their own meal ticket to feed their families.  In those days it was a question of who was going to eat who!  Natural laws applied and life expectancy was limited to being strong and fit.  The older members of the family were only fed after the younger souls had had their fill.  When it grew dark, they slept ready for the dawn and the awakening of the bird life.

 Each day was similar without any time off at weekends and the needs of the family always came first in order to stay alive.  Unlike today when everything is given to us on a plate.  The modern world in the rich western areas of the world have all they need to survive each day and to have time off for entertainment and even holidays.  It is not until a pandemic infects the lives of all people, rich and poor alike, that we may start to question the quality of our lives and what we took for granted has changed our perspective about the natural world.  We need to reflect on the goodness that we all had and take steps to preserve the balance of nature, which we are slowly and steadily destroying through our greed and demanding lifestyle.

 Tuesday, 4th May 2021

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