God in all his glory gave existence to the Universe. It is still evolving. It continues to grow. We see only a very small part of the evolution that continues on this earth plane. We are only here for a very short while in the annuals of time. Our lives form only a very little in universal terms and when we think of our importance there is really only a little that we can achieve. Nevertheless, this time is enough to show us just how much we are developing both physically and more importantly spiritually. The physical development is according to an aging process that we can do little about, as the ravages of time take us from our birth towards the death of our physical body. This is according to God’s will and not ours. We may be given a short or a longer term to complete our destiny and that will depend on the size of the task and the response that we get in order to fulfill it.
We may take on a will of our own and through it neglect or abuse of our bodies when we cause the termination of our own life. Deliberate abuse will find us not going to the Summerland, but to further healing and discoveries that our actions have caused. Spiritual Law is simple in as much as we reap what we sow. There are no excuses or mitigating circumstances that we can argue, as the Heavenly Spirit sees it all in truth and great clarity. What we have done for whatever reason will have caused effects to family and friends. We will know our responsibilities and will have to make up for them, either here before we pass or after passing with the help and guidance of those who, in the Spirit World, have chosen this work to be carried out in love according to the responses and understanding of the departed soul into the next dimension of life.
During our earthly existence we will have been placed in circumstances where spiritual progress can be made through Guidance given to those who need it. Most of us make mistakes on our life path and will need that helping hand to discover the right way to change the direction of our misdemeanors. Often, we are placed in circumstances where others abuse us, both physically and mentally. These can leave scars on our mental state of development, which cause normal development to cease. Our reactions are tarnished for the rest of our lives, unless we are able to seek the right professional help to remove the mental block. It is mainly the reaction on others that we may have in a relationship or friendship that this damage causes them to fail to undertake the reactions to this state of being that they are confronted with.
Spiritual development is being able to find the right answer to questions that can be presented at any time. Often, they are in the form of giving to the greater good by understanding the needs for love and healing. Many souls are given the gifts that they require to do this work. They are given from On High to those who are considered worthy of using them correctly. Once they are put in place, they will need development with the Spirit Guides working together with this soul to gradually expand and enhance the gift, so that spiritual energies can flow in loving harmony and bring release and comfort to those in need. Not everyone takes up the challenge to be a light worker and they fall behind, either by a lack of understanding or not being prepared to develop the gift for the good of others. We all need to take up these offers from the spiritual world if we are not to fail in our promised duties to the creative existence from which we came.
Monday, 10th May 2021
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