28 February 2021


 Not everybody feels happiness and joy in their lives.  Many are permanently having to put up with the distress of sins that their loved ones suffer and there is little that they can do about it.  They say their prayers and ask if they can be helped, but if they haven’t earned their place in the way of things, they will not be given the relief that they hoped for.  Many souls haven’t learned the basics of Spiritual Law.  They do not believe in the goodness that God gives to deserving causes. They haven’t had the good sense to help those in need and work for the greater good, so they will not have earned the right to be helped when they are distressed.

 They may be takers, who only want for themselves and not liker givers, but takers who simply take all they can.  Spiritual Law applies to them and they get what they deserve.   It is sad but true, they haven’t learned to be charitable to those around them and only selfishly think about what they want.  They are not deserving and don’t know how they can do an act of kindness and want nothing in return.  They will never know the feeling of giving just for the joy of giving and no more.  It sounds cruel to be so honest about it, but if you don’t sow good seeds you can never expect a good harvest.

 A true giver doesn’t give simply, because they want to earn a reward but feels there is a genuine need.  They will give what they have for the benefit of another.  Jesus spoke of a woman who gave away her last penny.  She didn’t just give something in charity; she gave all that she had.  Is she not a deserving cause when she becomes in need?  Life can be cruel.  We see hardship and distress, but isn’t this the opportunity for us to see and respond with whatever help we can give?  It is no use pouring what we have like water into the sands of the desert.  That will do no good!

 We need to be discerning about what we give and where we give it.  Some will only squander what we chose to give them and nearby may be a genuine soul, who will insist on using it wisely and earn a profit by the return.  Jesus said truly when his disciples spoke of the expensive nard that Mary Magdalene had anointed him with had been a waste.  They could have sold it and given the money to the poor.  They didn’t understand the significance of Jesus’s life.  He said to them that there will always be the poor with us, but you will not always have me.  Be blessed and be charitable, but always weigh up the worth of what you do.

 Sunday, 28th February 2021

27 February 2021



Today is the great Day for living.  It is together with healing that we must allow the goodness of God’s love in light to be apparent.  The soundness of God’s light is in powerful healing and only of that light which allows us to feel the healing coming to us. The basic healing of our love is held together by God’s glorious harmony which unites together.  We are able through God’s love and healing to receive the love that heals all that we need.  It is not just love that heals but the power of that goodness that we all require.  It is the soundness of reality that brings about the fulfilment of our needs., which God sends us when we ask Him in good faith to make us well again.

 It is through our love for Him and our faith in His healing that He brings about a miraculous change in the energies around us.  We receive His love through the power of His healing energy to bring about the greater good of recovery.  We need to link into this energy that we ask for to heal sufficiently in order to relieve the pain and discomfort of a state of being, which brings in the comfort that we need.  Nothing is too good for us if we ask in love.  We are loved because we care for the Spirit of the Holy Ghost to be our salvation.

 It is the same that led the disciples of Jesus Christ to fulfil their duties after the crucifixion when Jesus rose from the dead and brought the answers to our questions, even if like Thomas, it was hard to believe.  The soundness of the response was to hold in our belief for all time.  They had their lives sufficiently protected to be able to sustain all earthly attacks and they were happy to die in the knowledge of their invincibility as God was the truth and mankind could do nothing to alter His love to His chosen believers.

 If we stand firm against all the odds the power of God is sufficient to hold us in love so that the bodily hurts are no more.  It is simply the result when we move from the earthly body into the Spiritual Body that earthly pain ceases and the Spiritual controls our destiny.  No longer do earthly pains control our actions.  Once we have been shown ourselves in the love of God to the heavenly destiny, when we can no longer be hurt by the negativity of man.  We become truly complete in the Holiness of the next dimension, so that we are at last held in His love for all time.  When our faith is strong enough to allow His control to take us into His powerful love, we are saved for all time. 

 Saturday, 27th February 2021

26 February 2021


 This is a state of being where our destiny becomes more important than the greater good.  It is essential in any relationship to keep our own interests in check, so that the greater good of the relationship is best served.  Unconditional love is best served by the joint succession of equal love given and received.  However, if one of the partnership has a greater love for another or for their pets, it becomes impossible to understand the logic behind the reactions.  In the case of the dog walker who was shot four times in the chest, the dogs owner was emotionally disturbed in sufficient manner to offer a huge reward with no questions asked but for the return of the dogs!

 What appeared to be missing was any emotion towards the dog walker, who lay in hospital with four bullet wounds in his chest.  The dog owner only thought about the dogs and the cost of each of them.  So much for the Hollywood set of people, who are paid so much that they are lost to the real world.  The dog walker was clearly a paid servant to exercise these animals.  The lady owner was clearly not willing to do this job for herself and so paid a stranger to take the job on.  This is the selfishness but where is the responsibility for being paid to do the lady’s bidding? 

 To take on a pet is to link with it, so that the responsibility is taken on with the ownership.  That is an entire state of being as one action amounts to another.  If you take on the responsibility for an animal, you take it for its entire state of being and therefore you take on the very soul as your responsibility.  No one can say that they do not believe in this responsibility, even in Hollywood, where they buy and sells pets, to be almost likened to another handbag or trinket.  Her ego is too great to be accepted for the greater good.  It is simply a status symbol that hangs over the head of this lady like a sword of Damocles.

 Those that have excessive egos think themselves beyond the range of God’s judgements.  They are important to themselves to understand the highness of having thoughts of being above this status.  Spiritual Law states that you receive what you sow.  Therefore, it is in the interests for us to learn when the scales of Spiritual Law are moved to demonstrate their message for being.  Before you reach into the selfish state of ego, ask yourself what you hope to gain.  It is not for your glory or adulation but is it about the dog walker with four shots in his chest and the compassion that he should return to doing his humble task without ego at all?

 Friday, 26th February 2021

25 February 2021


 This is the state of continuing for all time and especially good states of being.  Happy relationships are said to continue for evermore and they must have love in a state of unconditional love, as only unconditional love can be continued without end.  It is the goodness of existent love that can continue for evermore, as goodness is a positive state of being with energies that bring continuity.  All good states of being are said to be without blemish and because they are worthwhile and, like a summer’s day, will not be broken by negativity or darkness.

 The light of God is continuous, as in the Summerland of the next dimension where there is no reliance on the Sum or moon to divide time with light or darkness.  We are used to having rest and sleep to preserve our minds and bodies when the sun goes down and the darkness of night causes us to rest until it rises again.  In the early days without artificial light, there was nothing else to do but rest around the dying embers of the fire, which gave us warmth and kept the animals away.    This was the state of living until the sun rose next morning and warmed the world about us, giving light to go hunting for food to feed the family.

 In the Summerland of Spiritual dimensions, it is the light of God that illuminates all corners of the Spirit World.  There are no shadows.  The light just is everywhere for evermore.  We live in Spirit bodies that never tire and so we are able to live our Spiritual lives in happiness without needing to stop and rest or break off for any other reason.  It is always like a pure summer’s day without any decay or negativity.  It is perfection and we can get used to living our lives together in perfect harmony and peace.  So when we are feeling a state of bliss on earth like lovers being together for evermore, it is a reflection of what will be in God’s Kingdom.  It is only when we are on earth that we find a state of being that is worthwhile that we hope for it to continue for evermore.

 On earth, this is where everything is in a constant state of change and therefore nothing can stay the same.  Love in the young must mature together if it is to exist for all time.  As we age, so our needs and comforts change and to stay blissfully happy together means that one has to have continuous objectives and understanding.  God knows this and He sees our needs as in true love we look after each other.  We both need to have and to practice a Spiritual understanding and seek help and guidance when required.  Love is a shared emotion, where we use it to please each other and never just use it for ourselves or our own interests.  Then it lasts for evermore.

 Thursday, 25th February 2021

24 February 2021


 We all need to be aware that there are forces out there that bring events to a final situation that are beyond our control.  Neither is caused by God or out Guides, but we make small adjustments to the norm and the greater effect become apparent. It is often a string of events that once started cannot be stopped.   At the beginning it cannot be overrun by Spiritual Law and so disasters, such as loss of life or limbs, are allowed to happen.  Once a small but significant event begins, this trail of disaster cannot be stopped.

 One often hears demanding that God could have stopped this from happening, but the rules of the Universe apply to all and even God has to obey the rules of life, otherwise there would be chaos.  The Universe is ruled by Laws that cover each and every situation.  The spaceships that are sent out do not find a different set of scientific laws on any one planet.  The adaption of those Laws of existence must be maintained for all to see and accept.  The very essence of life is Universal and has to be obeyed.  Nobody is above the Law and that is at the very heart of life from one part of the Galaxy to another.

 To explore the Universe is a popular hobby and indeed career, but no one will ever understand it all, because they are not God.  The Divine Spirit watches over the whole Universe and sees that nothing acts out of the normal rules that apply.  Where miracles occur, they follow the basic rules of science.  They are miraculous because we haven’t yet learned how they occur, but they are miraculous, nevertheless.  In God’s world is perfection and a miracle is observed by the timing of its happening.  Those who have been fortunate enough to witness God at work will know that when He commands an event they do happen. 

However large or small, it is the timing of it that makes it Divine.  Know that when you are privileged to witness a miracle.  It is not just because it is unexplained, but because it happen with perfect timing with the Universal clock, which is something sacred and special, but holds everything to account by its heartbeat that is at the very center of life throughout the Universe and beyond.  When we pass into the Spiritual Dimension, we will be able to learn more about the workings of God’s kingdom.  Until then, we must believe and know that God holds the key to life itself.

 Wednesday, 24th February 2021

23 February 2021


 It is a relief to be exonerated for the state of being.  It is a relief to be relieved from the responsibly of having to hold fast to the duty that has been given to one.  We have been given the responsibility of seeing the job through and somebody has to be given the lead role for it to be done and while that job is done, we can be allowed the relief of it being so.  It is a heavy burden to carry, but someone has to take the responsibility, even if it seems to be a lost cause.

 The relief that this no longer matters is something that has to be given credence, as many other causes have a way of hanging in the balance.  Not everybody feels the strain that leadership imposes on to others, but to see the job brings about a relief to the certainty that it doesn’t matters one way or another.  It may be that one holds the breech for a certain amount of time and that when the time comes one is relieved of that post and another takes over.  One is relieved of the duty that had been placed on one’s shoulders and another person takes it on.to theirs.

 It is not possible to continue with the project, so one feels relieved when the time comes for the relief to take over the job.  One may feel a certain amount of pride that one has done ones duty in fulfilling the need of holding the responsibility for a time.  It is however possible that one’s relief doesn’t turn up and one has to continue to hold on to the duty for the greater good.  One has to walk that extra mile and do more than one was asked to do in the first place.  Volunteering isn’t a choice but a necessity.

 One holds on to the duty placed on one’s shoulders and carries on without complaint.  It is through selfless actions like this that sincerity becomes a trademark of the action and the responsibility is carried on often without anyone knowing the sacrifice that has been made.  It may never be mentioned in dispatches or recommended for an honor.  That was never the reason that one shouldered the responsibility.  The job had to be done and without relief the continuation of the job fell to you, so you continued to take the responsibility for the greater good and your fellow man, who may not know of the sacrifice, but you know and that was all that mattered.

 Tuesday, 23rd February 2021

22 February 2021


 There are always consequences for everything we do, and Spiritual Law is made on these lines.  As Jesus taught, we reap what we sow.  It is through these consequences that we are able to discern the rights and wrongs of situations.  It is good to assess the consequences of our actions before we send out and take actions ourselves.  More often than not we act instinctively and don’t think about the results of what we do.  It is important that we recall the consequences of our actions before the greater good take charge and our rewards or changes are dished out.  What we reap are simply the results of what we sow. 

 According to Jesus’s parable about the wheat and tares we are rewarded when we sow on good soil, but where there is stony ground our seeds become starved of goodness and a poor harvest is the result.  Where the seed is overcome by weeds of tares, again there is a poor harvest.  It is much better to assess the results of sowing our seed before we commit it to the resultant harvest, which will give us a good return or not.  If we could determine along these lines our investments on the Stock Exchange, it would be better judged by the resultant dividends or not even that! 

 Our actions are more frequently in accordance with the effects that we make on our neighbors and we are responsible for them.  Harsh words bring resultant pain to the soul that receives them and even if we think they are justified, who are we to act as judge and jury.  It has been justly said that if we judge others, we are likely to be judged in the same way when we go astray.  The actions of two children, who were making a noise that disturbed others in the train compartment, while the parent did nothing to discipline them, eventually caused one of the other passengers to chastise him.  He replied that he was sorry, but he was distracted thinking about what they were going to do now that their mother had just died.

 When we are not in possession of all the facts, it is better to keep quiet and not judge.  To tell the truth is a difficult thing to do, because the true facts appear different according to where one is standing, as the witnesses of accidents testify to the nature of the event.  God alone is in possession of all the facts and He alone is able to see just how they affect not only the immediate souls, but also those around them.  We all need to be aware of how our words and actions affect other, so that when we act it is a considered result and not due to be regretted in hindsight.  Always give the generous action and abhor the less considered one less we also be judged. 

 Monday, 22nd February 2021

21 February 2021


 Where there is a problem there is always a way to deal with it.  Spiritual Law always provides a way of dealing with the right way to overcome the impediment.  It is never a question of asking for the problem to be taken away, but for the best way to overcome it.  It is God who puts things in our pathway to see how we deal with them.  It is the measuring of our progression to see how we find the best way to overcome the problem, so when we pray for help, we need to know how best we can deal with it. 

 It is the recognizing that there is a measure to be dealt with first of all that needs to be addressed.  Once it is recognized then the solution can be given.  It is a question of how best to face the difficulty and then with God’s help it can be dealt with.  It is the necessary format that is released to the soul, who needs the guidance.  Once you have asked the Higher Intelligence the way to address it, so can it be solved by asking for guidance and help can be given.  We may witness it ourselves, but there is always one to be found if we know where to look.

 The miracle of the guidance directs us to the source of the problem.  Once there, the correct procedure can be unleashed until the soothing of the waters is accomplished.  It is not always easy to complete the task, but, when love and harmony are applied, then the light of goodness removes the negativity and with positive thoughts and actions, it becomes plain sailing.  Life is full of barriers that need dealing with and one after another we learn to progress into a higher level of accomplishment.

 It is through consideration and under standards that we recognize the Spiritual path and goodness and purity that God has put before us.  We cannot hope to achieve the right standards of progression without learning the basic realities of love and generosity.  There are many steps to be taken on our journey and we will make many mistakes, but to allow others into our lives, so that they too can gain from our mistakes, is all part of the process.  See how when we err, we release opportunities for others to excel and then with our recovery by our actions, so too is the greater good served and we learn our place and move on, giving thanks for the generosity of all who helped us.

 Sunday, 21st February 2021

20 February 2021

The Love of God

 God is the Great Creator of all things and His creations continue to this day with evolution and variety.  We are all made in His image, which proves that we are godly and made with purpose and reason for being here on this earth plane.  We are given life as an opportunity to learn the ways of the Spirit, where Spiritual Law decrees that we reap what we sow.  Love is the most important emotion on this earth plane. It is given and received to make certain that all good things come from God and that the joy and happiness are complete through His love for us.

 We in turn experience love with a bond between souls in all its different forms. The most important is the spiritual love between us and our Guides, who oversee our journey through love and guidance when we are unsure or unaware of the right path to take at any one time.  Earthly love between two souls is best experienced by unconditional love, where love is given without question and recognizes no payment or reward.  It can be experienced in the highest degree when required to help a grieving soul, who has lost their loving partner through illness or accidental death.

 Love has many different forms and is both maternal and paternal.  It exists between siblings and great friendships.  The strongest bonding of love is from God to all his creations and is made in His image of purity and goodness, which we must follow and keep us from darkness of evil and hatred.  These are emotions that are opposite to the positive kind of goodness that breeds in our hearts and minds, when we are kept pure by our actions of love for the greater good.  There is a dark side to this called negativity, where the so-called anti-Christ exists and corrupts to destroy all goodness and love, which is at the heart of the teaching that Jesus came to show us.

 Before He came to this earth plane, there were prophets, who usually lost their lives for teaching what the selfish and greedy rulers didn’t want to hear.  God gave us freewill.  We can choose our own pathway and try to live like angels in the helping of deserving causes or be takers from the giving souls of life.  It is hard to give God’s guidance to those who do not want to follow what is right and good, but they have the choice and often will remain in the darkness and unhappiness believing they are doing the right thing by allowing themselves to be abused by the taker, who do not know what God’s love is because they turn away to enjoy their own power at the expense of others.

 Saturday, 20th February 2021

19 February 2021


 There are times when we feel that being merciful is the right thing to do.  It is always a big ask, but one that requires us to be merciful is the right and proper thing to do.  The blessing here is not to underrate the mercy given.  When a big error has been committed in life then there comes a time that being merciful is the right thing to do.  It is a hard thing to give and yet it causes an issue where a soul has been left out and has nowhere else to go.  It is a Godly thing to be merciful and when asked of us it is hard not to do. The error that was made would have been caused by an error of judgement, which was made despite the obvious feeling that the action was wrong.  Forgiveness may be required, but to look merciful is more than that.

 It involves, allowing ones heart to be opened in honesty and giving love where it wasn’t given before.  To be merciful is not to exact the full penalty of the law, even if it measures out for the reasons stated clearly to be the punishment expected and given.  Even so one feels a mitigating circumstance that causes an action by the one most incommoded that it is possible, and it is needed, to show mercy.  One doesn’t want the punishment weighing heavily on the consciousness of emotions, even though it is reasonable. To be merciful is to forgive and not exact the full penalty that the law allows.

 A winner of a bloody battle may decide not to execute the enemies that have been fought against and lost.  It would be a merciful act to spare their lives and what good would it do to take the lives simply because one can.  One hopes in this act of mercy that the forgiven would no longer hold the acts or deeds still worth fighting for and peace would be the result of giving way.  Whatever the reason that caused the fight in the first place, by the winner being merciful then the matter should be at an end, and peace and harmony can be left where hatred and disharmony once was.  It is at times of great disturbance in the behavior between good and evil that the greater good can gain the benefits of the mercy given. 

 If one prays for mercy before execution, it is thought to take away the bravery of a good death and show weakness, but nobody wants to be killed just by being on the losing side.  Both sides fought because they believed in the cause and were prepared to give up their life fighting for it.  Because one wasn’t required to do so in battle, why should it be necessary in peace?  It is the winners who write the history and maybe they leave out any unsavory actions by their side.  Why not be charitable and be truthful.  Let the result of history be merciful to the ideology of both sides. 

 Jesus came across a mob intent on stoning a woman caught in the act of adultery.  The Law said she should be stoned, and Jesus was asked to approve the Law.  He did so by saying, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.”  The accusers drifted away and with this act of mercy, when they had gone, the woman thanked Jesus and he said to her, “Go your way and sin no more.”   

Friday, 19th February 2021

18 February 2021

Go With the Flow

 Unbeknown to us, God has a path of destiny all worked out for us to follow.  He gave us free will, so we can choose our pathway to our own design, but our best option is to go with the flow and allow his guidance to be followed.  It does you no good to try and rush ahead as if this was a race against time.  It is all about getting there and not about who is the last to arrive.  Life is about quality and getting the job done, so it is far better to go with the flow and do God’s will, as he expects it to get done.

 Imagine what it was like to have to walk everywhere.  In the days of Jesus and his disciples traveling was alone and about three miles an hour or some twenty-five miles a day.  One would long for an Inn to arrive at about that same distance, as all travelers together arrive at the end of the day looking for a meal and a bed before traveling on. There had to be a pay master to see to the disciples and their families.  It was to their advantage that Jesus’s wife Mary was a rich lady, who was able to sponsor the group or they would not have got very far.  She came from Magdala, where her family made their money by salting fish and it was of the highest quality being sought after in all the best houses, even as far as Rome. 

 It would be quite a party of Jesus and his wife Mary Madelaine plus the twelve disciples and their wives and families.  They went with the flow as there was no need to hurry.  They would stop along the way where Jesus would preach and heal as the crowds built up.  They would not be just out for a walk but would press him to speak to them.  Sometimes the crowds were so great that he chose to find a boat and address them from it.  The road was often close to the Sea of Galilee and the area was filled with boats that caught fish and brought them to the shore.

 Once when Peter was out fishing, he came back empty.  They caught nothing and Peter was tired and angry.  Andrew his brother, persuaded Peter to go out again and take Jesus with them.  When Jesus told them where to drop their nets, they came back filled to breaking!  Jesus was guided by the Spirit, who knew where the shoals of fish were and so this was hailed as a miracle and so it was.  Jesus invited Peter to give up his fishing career and to join him and they became fishers of men.  Jesus taught them about the Spirit of the One God and how they could in time heal the sick and preach about living in love and harmony with their fellow man.  By going with the flow, they achieved God’s purpose for themselves and others.

Thursday, 18th February 2021

17 February 2021

Doubting Thomas

 Jesus had appeared to his disciples, who were delighted to see him alive and well after the crucifixion, but for Thomas this was not so easy to believe. It was not until he had put his hand in the wound on the side of Jesus that he would accept the truth that this was indeed the body of his Master.  Jesus said to Thomas, “Blessed are those who believe in me.  You have so ensured your belief but blessed are those who have not seen me, but they believe.”

 It took a huge step to believe in a man who had died and yet after three days he lived again.  We believe, although we were not there to see the living Master, but Thomas wanted more. Yes, it really was the Master Jesus.  He would be able to assure others that he had put his hand on the wound made by the soldier’s spear in Jesus’s side.  We are asked to believe without that physical proof, and we do.  It is an enormous leap of faith and one that we make without question.  The impossible is made possible.  Our belief system is based on the many impossible things that God does for us.  We are asked to believe time and time again that the impossible has become possible.

 Every time a healer puts his hands on another, and the Power of God flows through his hands to heal an illness, we are asked to believe in the miracle of healing.  It becomes a regular occurrence and yet the impossible is made possible and we are witness to it.  At the time we are believe in it and, but when we try to recall it later and tell others it is more difficult to truly know that this happened.  Jesus made the blind see and saw the person go on his way rejoicing.  The lepers were cleansed and went on their way rejoicing to show themselves to the priest as proof that they no longer had this foul disfiguring disease.

 We all have occasions to see that a miracle has occurred, but often we are afraid to talk about it, as we know we will not be believed.  It is those who sought a miracle and did not see it happen for them, because they didn’t believe enough.  Then they will be scathing of miracles.  How often did Jesus say, “Your faith has made you whole.”  We are all doubters at heart and need the proof of putting our hand in the wound of Christ and yet we know that belief is possible.  God can do miracles if we ask and believe in Him.  We need to have faith and give him our love.  He will show in what we need to see and so believe.

 Wednesday, 17th February 2021