It is a relief to be exonerated for the state of being. It is a relief to be relieved from the responsibly of having to hold fast to the duty that has been given to one. We have been given the responsibility of seeing the job through and somebody has to be given the lead role for it to be done and while that job is done, we can be allowed the relief of it being so. It is a heavy burden to carry, but someone has to take the responsibility, even if it seems to be a lost cause.
The relief that this no longer matters is something that has to be given credence, as many other causes have a way of hanging in the balance. Not everybody feels the strain that leadership imposes on to others, but to see the job brings about a relief to the certainty that it doesn’t matters one way or another. It may be that one holds the breech for a certain amount of time and that when the time comes one is relieved of that post and another takes over. One is relieved of the duty that had been placed on one’s shoulders and another person takes it theirs.
It is not possible to continue with the project, so one feels relieved when the time comes for the relief to take over the job. One may feel a certain amount of pride that one has done ones duty in fulfilling the need of holding the responsibility for a time. It is however possible that one’s relief doesn’t turn up and one has to continue to hold on to the duty for the greater good. One has to walk that extra mile and do more than one was asked to do in the first place. Volunteering isn’t a choice but a necessity.
One holds on to the duty placed on one’s shoulders and carries on without complaint. It is through selfless actions like this that sincerity becomes a trademark of the action and the responsibility is carried on often without anyone knowing the sacrifice that has been made. It may never be mentioned in dispatches or recommended for an honor. That was never the reason that one shouldered the responsibility. The job had to be done and without relief the continuation of the job fell to you, so you continued to take the responsibility for the greater good and your fellow man, who may not know of the sacrifice, but you know and that was all that mattered.
Tuesday, 23rd February 2021
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