To be rewarded for having reached a particular state of achievement is to be honored for the mark to which one has become recognized. Often, we interpret certain levels of attainment without being recognized or rewarded. It is simply noted that that level has been reached and one moves onto the next level without pausing for breath. So, to be rewarded is to be recognized for the attainment. Sometimes there are situations when one is competing in that a reward is given, like a gold medal in the Olympics.
Sometimes it is an honor given by one’s peers in special acts of quality. Any special recognition is rewarding. In normal times, acts of help or kindness are done without anybody especially recognizing those acts to be noted above normal behavior. Acts for the greater good are expected as that is why we are placed on the earth plane. It is almost our duty to carry out the act favorably when they are put in our way to do so. Rewarding isn’t just an action that is tangibly given to another, but when one is alone after an act of kindness, we may feel rewarded with one’s self and accept a glow of pride in doing what one has done.
Spiritual Law states that by doing a good deed, so you will be rewarded in kind for your actions. To continue to live a good life, so one stands up to be counted. Merit points can be redeemed in the next dimension after passing on. One becomes entitled to a better house to live in or to have greater recognition in other ways. After all, in the next world there are different levels of achievement on our pathway back to God from whence we came. Saintly lives on this earth plane will lead to a higher level of existence in the next life.
In the same way, wickedness leads a soul into darkness, which is caused by being further away from God’s light. To travel towards it again requires much recovery, which has to be earned. So, in the rewarding of merit, one is placed in the brighter light of God’s magnificence and that is a mighty reward in itself. It is given with greater responsibilities, of course, of being more enlightened and one is expected to help those who are in need of wisdom and guidance. The more enlightened you are the more you will be expected to give your time in helping to raise up the souls below. God’s Kingdom in Heaven isn’t just about enjoying the lack of negativity but adding the light of one’s achievements to His glory and feeling honored to do so.
Tuesday, 9th February 2021
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