Each and every person on this earth plane finds themselves drawn to others in friendship. They feel that they are drawn together with similar experiences and that they have many things in common. It is these same beliefs that draw like to like and, like a magnet, draw similar likes and dislikes into similar ways of thinking and being. Like peas in the same pod, there are characteristics that are so similar that they become almost as one. Friendships are formed by having like-minded souls together.
It is so much easier when people of a similar way of thinking become drawn to each other, so that they recall similar experiences that they went through. It may be that people who were drawn together in war fought for the same side and suffered the same deprivations doing their times together. Having to go without and suffering together, often draws people together more than having the same religion or education. People of all classes may be sympathetic to the feeling of loss and continue to meet each other through the many years of peace that followed.
It can be hard to go through each other’s pain, but by sharing it can make understanding it easier. Friends often gather together in celebration of not just happy times, but shared memories. It is the similarities that join together the strands of life that we understand about each other. It may be the love of a sporting event or those who enjoy playing the same game who join together to become members of the same club and share the competition of golf or tennis. The question may be asked as to whether they meet in friendship away from the club and is it just that sport that brings them together? True friendship implies the helping of each other in business and in need.
It would be interesting to know if the disciples of Jesus were friends or just drawn together by the following of the teachings of their Master. Jesus chose each and every one of his followers and loved them equally, but it would be a harder ask to see them loving each other in the same way. This is what Jesus taught them how to love each other and demonstrated this by washing the feet of each one after traveling along the road together. They walked everywhere and it was symbolic that they washed away the dust and dirt of traveling. To do this for a friend is one thing, but to do it for a stranger or one who you have argued with is quite a different thing.
Friday, 12th February 2021
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