26 February 2021


 This is a state of being where our destiny becomes more important than the greater good.  It is essential in any relationship to keep our own interests in check, so that the greater good of the relationship is best served.  Unconditional love is best served by the joint succession of equal love given and received.  However, if one of the partnership has a greater love for another or for their pets, it becomes impossible to understand the logic behind the reactions.  In the case of the dog walker who was shot four times in the chest, the dogs owner was emotionally disturbed in sufficient manner to offer a huge reward with no questions asked but for the return of the dogs!

 What appeared to be missing was any emotion towards the dog walker, who lay in hospital with four bullet wounds in his chest.  The dog owner only thought about the dogs and the cost of each of them.  So much for the Hollywood set of people, who are paid so much that they are lost to the real world.  The dog walker was clearly a paid servant to exercise these animals.  The lady owner was clearly not willing to do this job for herself and so paid a stranger to take the job on.  This is the selfishness but where is the responsibility for being paid to do the lady’s bidding? 

 To take on a pet is to link with it, so that the responsibility is taken on with the ownership.  That is an entire state of being as one action amounts to another.  If you take on the responsibility for an animal, you take it for its entire state of being and therefore you take on the very soul as your responsibility.  No one can say that they do not believe in this responsibility, even in Hollywood, where they buy and sells pets, to be almost likened to another handbag or trinket.  Her ego is too great to be accepted for the greater good.  It is simply a status symbol that hangs over the head of this lady like a sword of Damocles.

 Those that have excessive egos think themselves beyond the range of God’s judgements.  They are important to themselves to understand the highness of having thoughts of being above this status.  Spiritual Law states that you receive what you sow.  Therefore, it is in the interests for us to learn when the scales of Spiritual Law are moved to demonstrate their message for being.  Before you reach into the selfish state of ego, ask yourself what you hope to gain.  It is not for your glory or adulation but is it about the dog walker with four shots in his chest and the compassion that he should return to doing his humble task without ego at all?

 Friday, 26th February 2021

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