God is the Great Creator of all things and His creations continue to this day with evolution and variety. We are all made in His image, which proves that we are godly and made with purpose and reason for being here on this earth plane. We are given life as an opportunity to learn the ways of the Spirit, where Spiritual Law decrees that we reap what we sow. Love is the most important emotion on this earth plane. It is given and received to make certain that all good things come from God and that the joy and happiness are complete through His love for us.
We in turn experience love with a bond between souls in all its different forms. The most important is the spiritual love between us and our Guides, who oversee our journey through love and guidance when we are unsure or unaware of the right path to take at any one time. Earthly love between two souls is best experienced by unconditional love, where love is given without question and recognizes no payment or reward. It can be experienced in the highest degree when required to help a grieving soul, who has lost their loving partner through illness or accidental death.
Love has many different forms and is both maternal and paternal. It exists between siblings and great friendships. The strongest bonding of love is from God to all his creations and is made in His image of purity and goodness, which we must follow and keep us from darkness of evil and hatred. These are emotions that are opposite to the positive kind of goodness that breeds in our hearts and minds, when we are kept pure by our actions of love for the greater good. There is a dark side to this called negativity, where the so-called anti-Christ exists and corrupts to destroy all goodness and love, which is at the heart of the teaching that Jesus came to show us.
Before He came to this earth plane, there were prophets, who usually lost their lives for teaching what the selfish and greedy rulers didn’t want to hear. God gave us freewill. We can choose our own pathway and try to live like angels in the helping of deserving causes or be takers from the giving souls of life. It is hard to give God’s guidance to those who do not want to follow what is right and good, but they have the choice and often will remain in the darkness and unhappiness believing they are doing the right thing by allowing themselves to be abused by the taker, who do not know what God’s love is because they turn away to enjoy their own power at the expense of others.
Saturday, 20th February 2021
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