24 February 2021


 We all need to be aware that there are forces out there that bring events to a final situation that are beyond our control.  Neither is caused by God or out Guides, but we make small adjustments to the norm and the greater effect become apparent. It is often a string of events that once started cannot be stopped.   At the beginning it cannot be overrun by Spiritual Law and so disasters, such as loss of life or limbs, are allowed to happen.  Once a small but significant event begins, this trail of disaster cannot be stopped.

 One often hears demanding that God could have stopped this from happening, but the rules of the Universe apply to all and even God has to obey the rules of life, otherwise there would be chaos.  The Universe is ruled by Laws that cover each and every situation.  The spaceships that are sent out do not find a different set of scientific laws on any one planet.  The adaption of those Laws of existence must be maintained for all to see and accept.  The very essence of life is Universal and has to be obeyed.  Nobody is above the Law and that is at the very heart of life from one part of the Galaxy to another.

 To explore the Universe is a popular hobby and indeed career, but no one will ever understand it all, because they are not God.  The Divine Spirit watches over the whole Universe and sees that nothing acts out of the normal rules that apply.  Where miracles occur, they follow the basic rules of science.  They are miraculous because we haven’t yet learned how they occur, but they are miraculous, nevertheless.  In God’s world is perfection and a miracle is observed by the timing of its happening.  Those who have been fortunate enough to witness God at work will know that when He commands an event they do happen. 

However large or small, it is the timing of it that makes it Divine.  Know that when you are privileged to witness a miracle.  It is not just because it is unexplained, but because it happen with perfect timing with the Universal clock, which is something sacred and special, but holds everything to account by its heartbeat that is at the very center of life throughout the Universe and beyond.  When we pass into the Spiritual Dimension, we will be able to learn more about the workings of God’s kingdom.  Until then, we must believe and know that God holds the key to life itself.

 Wednesday, 24th February 2021

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