Jesus had appeared to his disciples, who were delighted to see him alive and well after the crucifixion, but for Thomas this was not so easy to believe. It was not until he had put his hand in the wound on the side of Jesus that he would accept the truth that this was indeed the body of his Master. Jesus said to Thomas, “Blessed are those who believe in me. You have so ensured your belief but blessed are those who have not seen me, but they believe.”
It took a huge step to believe in a man who had died and yet after three days he lived again. We believe, although we were not there to see the living Master, but Thomas wanted more. Yes, it really was the Master Jesus. He would be able to assure others that he had put his hand on the wound made by the soldier’s spear in Jesus’s side. We are asked to believe without that physical proof, and we do. It is an enormous leap of faith and one that we make without question. The impossible is made possible. Our belief system is based on the many impossible things that God does for us. We are asked to believe time and time again that the impossible has become possible.
Every time a healer puts his hands on another, and the Power of God flows through his hands to heal an illness, we are asked to believe in the miracle of healing. It becomes a regular occurrence and yet the impossible is made possible and we are witness to it. At the time we are believe in it and, but when we try to recall it later and tell others it is more difficult to truly know that this happened. Jesus made the blind see and saw the person go on his way rejoicing. The lepers were cleansed and went on their way rejoicing to show themselves to the priest as proof that they no longer had this foul disfiguring disease.
We all have occasions to see that a miracle has occurred, but often we are afraid to talk about it, as we know we will not be believed. It is those who sought a miracle and did not see it happen for them, because they didn’t believe enough. Then they will be scathing of miracles. How often did Jesus say, “Your faith has made you whole.” We are all doubters at heart and need the proof of putting our hand in the wound of Christ and yet we know that belief is possible. God can do miracles if we ask and believe in Him. We need to have faith and give him our love. He will show in what we need to see and so believe.
Wednesday, 17th February 2021
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