11 February 2021


 Hope springs eternal.  Never give up.  It is always there.  Without hope there is nothing.  To be hopeless is to be caught up in the negativity of life.  Waiting to look forward is a bleak outlook indeed.  However dark the future, if there is hope then there is a ray of light.  At the end of the tunnel there is hope if there is hope then that furnishes the light.  That light is hope of a future.  We are never without hope to carry forward.  Hope is the reward in our heart that a better world is waiting to begin.

 Without hope it cannot exist.  That leads to nothing being positive and that is a dreary prospect.  If a fisherman had no hope of making a catch, he would have a hopeless task ahead of him.  He would be so discouraged that he would not even turn up.  He needs to see something in the water to encourage him of the success to begin any project.  What is the point of taking that first step to start a journey if there is no hope of arriving?  It is that first step that starts a journey and that must be taken with the hope that by taking another after that it will lead to a succession of them, which will eventually be to arriving at a destination.

 Hope needs to be eternal to arrive otherwise.  There is no point in life with no love.  One needs to measure out with hope in your heart that you will succeed in finding what one seeks.  It is the hope of having ones love returned that makes life worthwhile.  Unfrequented love is a poor state of being.  It can never be successful and can never produce the happiness and joy that comes when ones love is met with love returned from another.  This is complete and in time.

 God loves us and in return we love him, so a joint measure of existence is completed.  If we turn away from His love, we are without hope of being fulfilled.  The prospect is a dark one and we travel through life without His light to guide us and comfort us as we travel without hope, because if we turn away His love for us the meaning of our lives is hopeless.  What can we expect from the Almighty if we don’t love Him and His goodness?  We cannot experience our own fulfillment without giving Him our own best, which if there is no love there, life is dark indeed and all is hopeless.

 Thursday, 11th February 2021


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