There are always consequences for everything we do, and Spiritual Law is made on these lines. As Jesus taught, we reap what we sow. It is through these consequences that we are able to discern the rights and wrongs of situations. It is good to assess the consequences of our actions before we send out and take actions ourselves. More often than not we act instinctively and don’t think about the results of what we do. It is important that we recall the consequences of our actions before the greater good take charge and our rewards or changes are dished out. What we reap are simply the results of what we sow.
According to Jesus’s parable about the wheat and tares we are rewarded when we sow on good soil, but where there is stony ground our seeds become starved of goodness and a poor harvest is the result. Where the seed is overcome by weeds of tares, again there is a poor harvest. It is much better to assess the results of sowing our seed before we commit it to the resultant harvest, which will give us a good return or not. If we could determine along these lines our investments on the Stock Exchange, it would be better judged by the resultant dividends or not even that!
Our actions are more frequently in accordance with the effects that we make on our neighbors and we are responsible for them. Harsh words bring resultant pain to the soul that receives them and even if we think they are justified, who are we to act as judge and jury. It has been justly said that if we judge others, we are likely to be judged in the same way when we go astray. The actions of two children, who were making a noise that disturbed others in the train compartment, while the parent did nothing to discipline them, eventually caused one of the other passengers to chastise him. He replied that he was sorry, but he was distracted thinking about what they were going to do now that their mother had just died.
When we are not in possession of all the facts, it is better to keep quiet and not judge. To tell the truth is a difficult thing to do, because the true facts appear different according to where one is standing, as the witnesses of accidents testify to the nature of the event. God alone is in possession of all the facts and He alone is able to see just how they affect not only the immediate souls, but also those around them. We all need to be aware of how our words and actions affect other, so that when we act it is a considered result and not due to be regretted in hindsight. Always give the generous action and abhor the less considered one less we also be judged.
Monday, 22nd February 2021
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