To give what you can easily afford to those who have little is said to be charity. It is not demeaning to what you have, but the woman, that Jesus spoke about who gave her last penny, gave all that she had. This is a very unusual act. To give to charity it is the small change that one has in ones pocket that is deemed to be enough for those poor souls who have less than that for themselves to live on. They struggle to survive on what they have and what is given to them.
The charity organizations around the world try to do their best on what is donated to them. The difference between what they need and what they give is a large one, but they manage amazingly well to keep many people alive, who had lost everything through war or famine and these poor souls left their homes with what they stood up in for their family of women and children to walk many miles to the nearest camp, where sustenance, water and medical attention could be given. It doesn’t matter what color your skin is or what religious persuasion you belong to, when hunger and stress come to you, there is a common need to fulfill.
Many do not manage to complete the journey and the old and the infirm are often left by the wayside to die. Those, who pass in this way, are met by spirituals souls, who have already passed from this earth plane and have been trained to accept those coming in need. They are taught to administer to these souls, who die alone and where no charity can be given to them in this earthly world. However, they will be met as their soul escapes at last from their earthly body and they will be escorted to the spiritual hospital, where with unconditional love they can be healed and strengthened.
They who attend them do so without the complexities of drugs or medical appliances but are doctors and nurses who give up their time to nurse these new arrivals with unconditional love. This is given freely and will have no surprising effects on the newcomers. It may take some time for them to recover, but in the Summerland of the next dimension, God sees to it that all things are possible and all souls young and old are given what they need most and that is love. After all, the damage is no longer to the physical body, but to the spiritual soul, which with love and healing can be remade in God’s image for the benefit of all in great need. Charity after all is love.
Wednesday, 31st March 2021