It is never a good idea to make things more complicated than they need to be. To have complications is to increase the risk of making things go wrong and, when simplification is possible, it is more likely to succeed. The simplest matters are always the easiest to understand and they allow a greater chance of success. Why make difficulties when there is an easier way. The greater the degree of difficulty the greater the risk. When one looks around in the world at the ease of natural success, it is seen to be achieved with the simplest issues.
The simple structure of a flower is based on the simplicity of success. In order to attract the insects that pollinate it, is the simplest business that succeeds. It is so that there is mutual harmony that both the flower gets pollinated by giving something that the insect needs, such as pollen or nectar. By this method of attraction both are successful. They both thrive. God made the Universe through simplicity itself. The heavens are full of stars that play their part in moving simply and at ease acknowledging their needs. Everything moves and there is nothing that stands still.
All is in motion according to the greater good and the needs of the whole. Evolution brought about the natural success of animals and plants encouraging the different challenges that they had solved to bring about the colonization of all the parts of the planet. Not every species survived, but they played their part in the evolvement of the whole as the more successful were able to progress further and move on. It is astounding to realize just how the problems and challenges of life are conquered by the evolving species. Sometimes they have to try many different methods to solve the problem successfully, but in the end, they are undertaken, and another succeeds in becoming dominant and resolving the problem.
In colonizing new lands, they may have to evolve a new technique or exchange one part of their existence for another, but in the end the right solution always presents itself. All over the world changes are occurring and we must be aware of them and how they affect us. We need to keep safe the effects of changes to our climate, so that we are not destroyed by unbalancing the fragile conditions that nature holds for us and we cannot upset it by our greed or idleness.
Tuesday, 23rd March 2021
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