To be expressed in so many ways, is to be able to express the ways that are sent out to all available passengers in the train, who send all at express speed for all those who are ready. Each is sent, in each and every way, for being available for the right reasons to be maintained in every way, which is all to the good of all the people, who allow themselves to be caught up in the express progress for the right reasons of success. Many realize it can be lucrative and may well not allow the hurrying of expression to be sent at all.
It is the very notions that allow mankind to be sent by express means by one kind or another. To be certain of success, all must follow the same lines and be directed to a better future. No one is allowed to go into the whole expression of showing that they were able to go at a constant speed that is realized by all of the others. There can be no second class, as only a flat out express can be fulfilled. No one is allowed to complete the journey at any rate other than the fastest rate possible and to be so expressed is to get completion in the shortest time available.
To be first treated is to be enabled for the quickest possible completion time that is allowed by Spiritual Law. God makes sure that all short cuts are available in order to complete the journey in the shortest possible time. Nobody is allowed to arrive in a lesser time and all those who succeed make the fastest possible transition that can be achieved. There is no second rate, because that is not in the interests of the greater goon. All must be guided by the need of the whole assembly and the late comers are ignored. If the starting time is adhered to, many milestones can be achieved and the whole body of people is carried down together in perfect harmony.
New levels of attainment are achieved. All are found to be for the benefit of the greater good. One cannot be ignored by being left behind. Each and everybody has a purpose, which must be allowed to be expressed for the greater good. In achieving these higher standards, the whole is moved onto greater efforts and the passageway is completed in a shorter time. No one has the individual right to share the passageway of the whole, as the benefits are to the greater good and cannot be diluted by any individual being slow in the uptake. God is the supreme commander, who holds the key to the success of this venture. Only He can be sure of the outcome that has been planned and will succeed by His Holy name and influence.
Friday, 26th March 2021
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