This is the practical knowledge that we accumulates through our lives by simply being aware of all that befalls us. We experience all the emotions that occur in life, such as love and temptation and the loss of ones family and friends as they pass into the next world. It is a sadness to lose them, as in time we all have to pass out of the body into the spirit. All our experiences are a preparation for what is to come. We learn from our emotions how to handle events of the greater magnitude.
As we grow older, we accumulate many skills from our living and in our workplace. We become more worthy of our position and can take on greater responsibilities. We become more aware of what needs to be done and how to do it. All events in our lives give us experiences to draw on when they are required. Not all of them are pleasant and some simply have to be endured. It is at times such as these that we learn to pray and ask for help in how to go about overcoming the difficulties which have come our way.
It is not a question of asking God to take away what we don’t like, but more to ask Him to show us how we can best treat them for our own benefit. Sometimes it is a question of sharing one’s results with others and doing things not just for ourselves, but for the greater good. Whatever the case, our Guides are there to teach us and show us the best way out of our difficulties. If we chose to simply look away, from those things we didn’t like, we will achieve nothing and our experiences in this life will amount to nothing.
We are given this life as an opportunity to experience emotions and to develop our understanding of their meaning. By doing so, we are able to help others as they go through similar emotions and advise them on the best path in surviving the experience. We all walk similar pathways and are given similar lessons to learn. We all need to grow into that inner strength of experience ourselves and to learn to ask for help along the way for making the best out of what we have and what we are given. It takes a lifetime to accumulate all our needs and to learn the best way to help others who are in need. That is why we all have our individual Guides, who have great experiences themselves and they have learned already the best way through love to help, us.
Thursday, 25th March 2021
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