02 March 2021


 It may seem like the repeated sound of a doorbell; it commences the pressure that we need to attend to.  Usually, it is the postman bringing the mail, but it could be the announcement of a visitor.  It receives the attention of the householder to come to the door and see what or who is without.  Callers at a home do so for many reasons.  They make a delivery by fulfilling an order that has been made from afar.  Online shopping has become a reality for those who are unable to go out and shop for themselves.

 The pandemic caused by the Coronavirus has meant a state of lock down, so that people are told not to go out or leave home to control the infection rate and reduce the numbers being treated in the local hospitals.  This has changed the normal High Street shopping for goods and the people soon learned how to get their supplies from the website, who make their business survive by dealing with purchases online.  Many businesses adapted and survived by allowing this type of business of retail and bring good solid trading to their stores.

 One could say that this way of trading was a resounding success.  In order to adapt, the people changed their habits or perhaps had their habits changed for them.  Social gatherings were very limited.  Cinemas and restaurants suffered.  The loss of events to theaters and live concerts made the work of the actors and musicians almost impossible, but where one door closes another door opens and people enjoyed the pay as you go of numerous networks through their television or computer links.  Mobile phones became a necessity as visits from friends and family became under control of the lock down.

 It was soon apparent that the Coronavirus was a resounding viral success in limiting the lives of people around the world as Governments struggled to control the pandemic.  The older people living in care homes missed their family coming to visit them and many died without being able say ‘goodbye’.  The results of the closure of schools and universities have set back the education of the young, even though parents struggled to keep them entertained and learning as best as they could.  It has been a resounding time of difficulties and hardship, where the essential workers had to keep seeing to the needs of the people, just to keep society from running to a standstill.  What does God think about our feeble attempts to live and work together?

Tuesday, 2nd March 2021

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