This is a state of being that is often associated with military awards. Medals are awarded for gallantry in the field of battle. It is an honor to be received and the word is applied by the fellow officers, who witness the deed as being awarded for gallantry. Without the thought they were plunged into action. They had no thought for their own safety, but steadfastly evaluated what had to be done and carried it out without any thought for their own lives. Indeed, most often it is awarded posthumously when against all the odds the fellow was cut down in his prime and awarded the medal for gallantry.
It is a word associated with honor and chivalry. It speaks of the days of the knights of old sitting around the circular table of Camelot. Stories of valor and gallantry would be told and be heard and would only apply to the best and most courageous of knights and their deeds. Gallantry is an old-fashioned state of being by todays standards and it isn’t used lightly. To be a gallant speaks of a service given to a lady for her protection and safety. Such a man maybe called a gallant, who would put his life on the line for the protection of a lady who otherwise would be in distress from the not so gallant attacker hoping to taken advantage of her.
It was in such a state that Lancelot rescued the Lady Guinevere on her way to King Arthur to be married. This act was rewarded by the King who administered and rejoiced in the metal of his knight. The story ends badly, as the knight and the lady fall in love and when discovered the knight was sent away to search for the Holy Grail and the lady ended up in a nunnery. No doubt they continued to think of each other, if fate had dealt another hand. The King was a broken man. Left alone and disheartened with what began with gallantry ended in misery for all three of them, being alone and unhappy with their thoughts of distant days, when gallantry was dishonored.
Today the word is hardly used except in the servicing of dispatches by ones fellow officers, when one is mentioned for his gallantry. Many deeds during the bloody state of war attracts acts of bravery that abounded with courage and actions that were carried out without any thought or pre-planning. It came naturally to the soldier, who without any thought for his safety, took the responsibility to act and carry out deeds of daring not expecting them to be witnessed, but they simply needed doing. God sees all and records the selfless actions of souls who act first and think afterwards. Would we be so gallant given the opportunity? We do not know until we have spontaneously acted and saved an innocent from certain disaster.
Wednesday, 10th March 2021
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