22 March 2021



 To keep faith with a person or with his ideals is to remain faithful over time no matter what occurs.  To remain unchanged but to keep faith with the energies of the basic ideals in love and in tune, is to be faithful.  No more changes occur.  No matter what occurs in the philosophy of thinking the lessons remain unchanged.  The disciplines, even if they didn’t understand all the teachings of Jesus Christ, they remained faithful to the man and when they were called, they went out and preached the gospel spreading the good news.

 They were suddenly enlightened after the crucifixion in three days, their Master had risen and was alive.  It was a massive shift for them to understand the reality of Jesus.  They finally understood that Jesus had remained faithful to the Father, who had sent Him to teach His followers that to prove to others that His word was truth and that even the same brethren realized that Jesus was a good as His word and had performed the impossible and made possible what they could now start to understand.  This frightened those who crucified Him because they saw that with this knowledge the people would follow the words of Jesus making Him a powerful enemy to them.

 All through His life Jesus had remained faithful to His Father in Heaven.  He gave the credit for His healing gifts to God the Father, and He prayed to God for His strength and purity to follow His pathway correctly.  His miracles were performed in the name of God and He prayed before He addressed the massive crowds that He spoke to, for God to help His words so that the people would understand.  It was His faith that brought the miracles as He fed the five thousand and healed the lepers.  The old lady, who touched Jesus’s robe as He walked in the crowd, had the faith that just by touching His robe He had the power to heal her and so it was.

 His power was so great that He felt His power was taken from Him for this to happen and He asked who had touched Him and so it was accomplished?  He had faith in the power of God by which He healed and healers today who work with their Guides will understand this.  God gives us the power to use for healing another and when interrupted they feel it’s loss.  We all need to be faithful to our Father who is in Heaven and as we pray to Him, we ask for miracles to happen to us and for those we know are in need.  It doesn’t much matter whether we pray in church or outside.  God is everywhere, and it is through Him that our prayers are answered.  The church has nothing to do with it!  It is through our direct line to The Almighty that His power, call it The Holy Spirit if you will, is released to show us the power and the love of God.

 Monday, 22nd March 2021



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